UNHCR veröffentlichte den jährlichen „Global Trends“-Bericht, der umfassende Daten und Zahlen zu Flucht und Vertreibung im Jahr 2020 bietet. Die Anzahl der weltweit Verfolgten betrug Ende des Vorjahres 82,4 Millionen Menschen, erneut ein neuer Höchststand.
Von diesen 82,4 Millionen Vertriebenen sind
86% der Flüchtlinge und ins Ausland vertriebenen VenezolanerInnen wurden in Entwicklungsländern aufgenommen.
Rund 73% der Flüchtlinge leben in Nachbarstaaten ihres Heimatlandes.
Rund 42% der Vertriebenen sind Kinder.
Im Laufe des Jahres wurden 11,2 Millionen Menschen vertrieben.
Relative to their national populations, the island of Aruba hosted the largest number of Venezuelans displaced abroad (1 in 6) while Lebanon hosted the largest number of refugees (1 in 8), followed by Curaçao (1 in 10), Jordan (1 in 15) and Turkey (1 in 23).
More than two thirds (68 per cent) of all refugees and Venezuelans displaced abroad came from just five countries:
- Syrian Arab Republic 6.7 million
- Venezuela 4.0 million
- Afghanistan 2.6 million
- South Sudan 2.2 million
- Myanmar 1.1 million
Asylum-seekers submitted 1.1 million new claims. The United States of America was the world’s largest recipient of new individual applications (250,800), followed by Germany (102,600), Spain (88,800), France (87,700) and Peru (52,600).
Der Bericht kann unter folgendem Link gelesen werden:
UNHCR: Global Trends. Forced Displacement in 2020, 18 June 2021
Eine zusammenfassende Pressemitteilung ist auf Deutsch verfügbar: UNHCR: Global Trends-Report: Staats- und Regierungschefs müssen gegen Vertreibung vorgehen, 18. Juni 2020
Zu Asylentscheidungen in der Europäischen Union im Jahr 2020 siehe die folgende Publikation von EUROSTAT:
In 2020, the EU Member States granted protection status to 281 000 asylum seekers, down by 5% compared to 2019 (295 600). [...]
The largest group of beneficiaries of protection status in the EU in 2020 were Syrians (74 700 or 27% of the total number of persons granted protection status in the EU), continuing the trend observed since 2012. Among the Syrian citizens granted protection status in the EU, 60% received protection status in Germany.
Venezuelans (47 100 or 17% of the EU total) ranked second and notably 96% of Venezuelans were granted protection status in Spain.
Afghans (42 200 or 15%) were the third main citizenship granted protection status. 35% of Afghans who received protection status were recorded in Germany.
Among the top twenty citizenships that received first instance decisions in 2020, Venezuelans (95%), Syrians (85%) and Eritreans (81%) had the highest recognition rates, while Colombians (2%), Georgians (4%) and Albanians (5%) had the lowest.
Among the top twenty citizenships that received final instance decisions in appeal or review in 2020, Syrians (74%), Afghans (54%) and Malians (45%) had the highest recognition rates, while Georgians (3%), Albanians (5%) and Armenians (8%) had the lowest.
EUROSTAT: EU granted protection to over 280 000 asylum applicants in 2020, 21 April 2021
Seitens des EASO liegt bislang nur ein Vorab-Überblick zu 2020 vor: https://easo.europa.eu/asylum-trends-2020-preliminary-overview