Der Researcher ist eine vierteljährliche Publikation des Refugee Documentation Centre (RDC) in Irland. Er umfasst akademische Analysen, Caselaw-Zusammenfassungen, Hinweise zu neuer Gesetzgebung, Berichte über Konferenzen, Artikel zu Dienstleistungen des RDC sowie Herkunftsländerinformationen.
„Summer 2006 has been a time of change for us here in Montague Court with the arrival of the Legal Aid Board Library from Cahirciveen and the appointment of Isabel Duggan as our new librarian. We wish Isabel every success in her new position.
Isabel writes in this issue about the two libraries which Montague Court now houses.
RDC hosted a two week study visit in May/June for the Refugee Affairs Department (RAD), Latvia. Dace Zvarte, Deputy Head and Ligita Geidane, Senior Researcher in the RAD have written an account of their experiences in Dublin for this issue. Dace and Ligita visited a number of agencies and NGOs including the Irish Refugee Council.
We are delighted that Louise Moor from the Irish Refugee Council has written an article for this issue regarding the Dublin II Regulation.
RDC also hosted a legal intern from Tulsa University, Gursunny Singh Koonjul (or Sunny as he preferred to be called) for four weeks work and study experience. We include Sunny’s summary of one of the Published Decisions of the Refugee Appeals Tribunal.
The first issue of The Researcher in March of this year featured a summary of the High Court case, Atanasov and others v Refugee Appeals Tribunal. This judgment was appealed by the Refugee Appeals Tribunal to the Supreme Court and the resulting Supreme Court judgment is the occasion of an article by John Stanley BL in this issue: The Refugee Appeals Tribunal and the Publication of Previous Decisions.
As usual, we have a graph of RDC statistics showing the top five countries for RDC research.Part 2 of our Know Your Sources series features a highly informative article by Andrea Jakober from ACCORD on the indispensable portal, which has recently been relaunched.
David Goggins continues his series of Country of Origin Information investigations. In this issue he addresses the question, Is Human Sacrifice still Performed at Traditional Religious Shrines in Nigeria?
Finally, Paul Daly has written an article on The Internal Flight Alternative, UNHCR and Somalia.“
Die 3. Ausgabe von The Researcher herunterladen.
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