EASO veröffentlicht Länderbericht zu Nigeria

Das EU-Unterstützungsbüro für Asylfragen (EASO) veröffentlichte einen Herkunftsländerinformationsbericht zu Nigeria. Er behandelt eine Reihe von Themen.

Der 80-seitige Bericht behandelt Hintergrundinformationen zu Nigeria, sowie die Sicherheitslage, das Justiz- und Rechtssystem, Gender-Themen, die Lage von LGBTI-Personen, Religion, Geheimgesellschaften sowie traditionelle Herrschaftssysteme. Er wurde von den Herkunftsländerinformationsabteilungen von Norwegen, den Niederlande und Italien verfasst. Die COI-Abteilungen von Dänemark, Portugal, Slowenien und der Schweiz führten eine Qualitätssicherung durch.

Die Pressemeldung des EASO:

"Key topics

The first chapter of the report provides background information about the legal and administrative system, ethnic groups and political situation in Nigeria. This chapter also discusses the general human rights situation, covering issues related to Boko Haram, vigilantism, ethnic-religious violence, corruption, and abuse of power by security forces. The second chapter presents the security situation in the country's six regions and thematic security issues such as conflicts between 'indigenes' and 'settlers' and between nomads and farmers. The third chapter covers the judiciary, sources of Nigerian legislation and the functioning of law enforcement. Chapter 4 is devoted to gender-related issues, such as the widespread domestic violence of which mainly women are victims, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) the prevalence of which is steadily decreasing, and child and forced marriages largely occurring in northern Nigeria. Trafficking of Human Beings (THB) is discussed only briefly as this topic is covered comprehensively in the abovementioned Sex Trafficking of Women report. Chapter 5 is dedicated to the situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) persons, and their treatment by society and authorities, and discusses the impact of the recent legislation prohibiting same sex marriages. The sixth chapter gives an overview of the main religions in Nigeria, and highlights several types of violence and conflicts linked to religion. Finally, Chapter 7 focuses on human rights issues related to secret societies (such as the Ogboni), university cults (violence, recruitment and the possible consequences of refusing such a cult), the occurrence of ritual killings, and chieftaincy succession issues.


This report was written in the framework of the EASO Operating Plan to Italy, Measure ITA 5: "Professional development activities and study visits". Two COI specialists from Norway and The Netherlands were deployed to an EASO Asylum Support Team, to support the Italian COI unit in drafting a report on selected topics in Nigeria. The report was written in accordance with the EASO COI Report Methodology. It was reviewed by COI experts from Denmark, Portugal, the Republic of Slovenia and Switzerland in order to ensure the highest quality. The drafting of this report was finalised on 8 May 2017." (EASO, 5 Juni 2017)

Der Bericht ist verfügbar unter (vorerst ausschließlich auf Englisch, weitere Sprachen werden voraussichtlich folgen):

EASO: Nigeria Country Focus, Juni 2017

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