Das EU-Unterstützungsbüro für Asylfragen (EASO) veröffentlichte unter Koautorschaft der Staatendokumentation des österreichischen Bundesamts für Fremdenwesen und Asyl einen Herkunftsländerinformationsbericht zu Süd- und Zentralsomalia.
Koautoren des Berichts waren:
Die Herkunftsländerinformationsabteilungen von Finnland, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich haben zur Qualitätssicherung des Berichts beigetragen.
Aus der Pressemitteilung:
„Topics covered in the report include: general country information; the clan system and ethnic groups; the security situation; Al Shabaab; Human Rights; migration; mobility; and displacement. The Somalia report aims to provide information to support: COI researchers; first and second instance decision makers; and policymakers active in the national procedures for the assessment of asylum applications from Somali nationals.
Regarding the security situation, attention is given to the Al-Shabaab insurgent group. The Human Rights situation is described for areas under the control of respectively Al-Shabaab on the one hand and the Government with the African Union military mission in Somalia (AMISOM) forces on the other hand. In this regard, one finding of the report is, for example, the practice of abducting young girls for forced marriages with Al-Shabaab fighters.The report highlights how in 2013, thousands of internally displaced people (IDPs) in Mogadishu were evicted by force out of their settlements. This was done not only by private landowners or gatekeepers, but also by the Mogadishu administration, in attempts to clean up the capital, without finding any safe alternative for the IDPs. Furthermore, the report also stresses the importance of clan protection against violence by aggressors from outside the clan. On the other hand, it also nuances the role of the clan in the current situation in South and Central Somalia. Special attention is also given to the position of different minority groups and their safety.“ (EASO-Pressemitteilung, 3. Oktober 2014)
Der Bericht ist verfügbar unter:
EASO: South and Central Somalia: Country Overview, August 2014