New featured topic on Afghanistan; new ACCORD report on Côte d'Ivoire

We published a new feeatured topic on Afghanistan and updated a report on Côte d'Ivoire. survey 2021: Your suggestions on sources

This post discusses suggestions made in our user survey concerning sources. Survey 2021 – Results

In May and June, conducted a user survey. Read more about initial results.

Weekly update of the featured topic on the security situation in Afghanistan

Our featured topic on the security situation in Afghanistan will be updated at least every week until further notice.

Article on the use of COI in asylum assessments in Norway

An article in the International Migration Review discusses the use of COI in asylum decisions, especially regarding credibility assessments. 

USDOS publishes annual report on trafficking in persons (April 2020 to March 2021)

The US Department of State released its annual report on trafficking in persons, covering April 2020 to March 2021.

UNHCR reports 82.4 million displaced

UNHCR released its annual Global Trends report, covering displacement that occurred during 2020. The report says the number of people forcibly displaced was 82.4 million at the end of 2020, leaving the population of forcibly displaced at another record high. user survey 2021

We're conducting a user survey and need your input.

USDOS publishes annual report on religious freedom for 2020

The US Department of State released its annual report on the freedom of religion, covering 2020.

Dissertation on the assessment of the probative value of COI in the context of international protection standards in guidance for decision-making

Femke Vogelaar's summary of the dissertation she published in December 2020.

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