Publications is run by ACCORD, the COI unit of the Austrian Red Cross, together with Informationsverbund Asyl & Migration., the official database on country information of the Austrian Federal Office for immigration and Asylum (BFA) is run in close cooperation with It is the platform for publications of the Office's COI unit.
The following describes important publication series of these institutions:
To access all of ACCORD's publications available on, follow this search link.
ACCORD provides individual research on human rights, political and humanitarian situation in countries of origin of asylum seekers. The research services are open to queries from asylum lawyers, refugee counsels as well as persons deciding on claims for asylum and other forms of international protection in Austria and selected other countries. Selected query responses are published on
More comprehensive topics are covered in larger reports and COI compilations.
Syria: Humanitarian situation; Questions related to military service, especially in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA); Documentation of the COI Webinar with Fabrice Balanche und Muhsen Al-Mustafa on 24 October 2024 (Special or Analytical Report, English)
Egypt: COI Compilation (Special or Analytical Report, English)
Pakistan: COI Compilation (Special or Analytical Report, English)
ACCORD publishes a series of overviews on conflict events in selected countries. These overviews are based on data collected by the Armed Conflict & Location Event Data Project (ACLED). You can read more about these overviews in our Blog.
ACCORD Analysis of ACLED Data - PAKISTAN, Q2 2024 (Map or infographic, English)
ACCORD-Analyse zu Pakistan Q2 2024: Auswertung ACLED-Daten (Map or infographic, German)
Lebanon, second quarter 2024: Update on incidents according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) (Map or infographic, English)'s featured topics provide an overview on a topic in focus countries. You can find them on our country pages. For the following countries featured topics are currently maintained:
For selected focus countries, provides law guides that aim toexplain how best to research laws for the respective country. You can find them on our country pages for the following countries:
For selected focus countries, provides extended country pages. On these, you'll find country briefings introducing the main themes for the country.
The extended country pages were introduced in May 2022. The following are available currently:
The main publication of the Informationsverbunds Asyl & Migration is the Asylmagazin, journal for migration and refugee law. See for more:
Informationsverbund does not often publish country reports. To access all of Informationsverbund's publications available on, follow this search link.
You can find all publications of the COI unit of the Austrian Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum available on and this search link. Please note: Some of them are of restricted access. Please see for more on access and on the Office's COI unit's methodology for each publication series.
A Länderinformationsblatt (LIB, country information sheet) provides a general overview on relevant topics for a country. A LIB is only created for countries not covered by a COI-CMS document (see below).
LIBs are not accessible publicly.
Themenberichte: Iran: Finanztransfers zwischen Iran und Europa, Version 1 (Special or Analytical Report, German)
Research Papers: Afghanistan: Pashtuns and the Pashtunwali, Version 2 (Special or Analytical Report, English)
Research Papers: Afghanistan: Afghan legal system under the Taliban, Version 2 (Special or Analytical Report, English)
The COI-CMS is a new form of the LIB mentioned previously, available for the most relevant countries in Austrian international protection procedures.
Documents from the COI-CMS are not accessible publicly. Target groups with access can find them under on country pages in the navigation point "COI-CMS".
Selected query responses of the COI unit of the Austrian Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum are available on /
Additionally, the COI unit of the Austrian Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum publishes reports, analyses and maps.
Themenberichte: Iran: Finanztransfers zwischen Iran und Europa, Version 1 (Special or Analytical Report, German)
Research Papers: Afghanistan: Pashtuns and the Pashtunwali, Version 2 (Special or Analytical Report, English)
Research Papers: Afghanistan: Afghan legal system under the Taliban, Version 2 (Special or Analytical Report, English)