ACCORD published three new reports: Ethiopia, Russia, Venezuela

ACCORD recently published three reports: a COI compilation on Ethiopia, on the current situation in Venezuela, on conscription and dedovshchina in Russia.

Article on COI in UK Country Guidance cases (International Journal of Refugee Law)

An article in the International Journal of Refugee Law discusses standards regarding the use of COI in UK Upper Tribunal country guidance cases.

Guest post: Development of COI Standards and Practice: Early days (Sharon Rusu)

Sharon Rusu, former head of the IRB's Documentation Centre, was invited to speak at the joint EASO-ACCORD conference on COI methodology, but unfortunately had to cancel participation. With her kind permission, we're publishing the notes for the opening remarks she prepared. In them, Ms. Rusu gives insights into the early days of COI research and the development of quality standards.

Updated country priorities on

In November 2019, we updated our country priorities. These priorities define which sources are covered on, i.e. which documents you can expect to find for a country. The update is based on Austrian, European and global asylum statistics and affects what sources we cover for what countries.

EASO-ACCORD Joint Conference on COI Research Methodology

ACCORD is happy to have welcomed representatives of the COI community at the joint EASO/ACCORD conference on COI methodology in Vienna. There were two occasions for this event: The 20th anniversary of ACCORD and the publication of the revised EASO COI Report Methodology.

EASO publishes COI report on the security situation in Pakistan

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has published a COI report on the security situation in Pakistan.

USDOS publishes annual reports on religious freedom and on human trafficking for 2018

The US Department of State released its annual report on international religious freedom covering 2018, as well as its annual report on human trafficking (covering Aprul 2018 to March 2019).

UNHCR reports new record level of 70.8 million displaced

UNHCR released its annual Global Trends report, covering displacement that occurred during 2018. The report says the number of people forcibly displaced was 70.8 million at the end of 2018, leaving the population of forcibly displaced at another record high.

EASO COI Report Methodology 2019 and Writing and Referencing Guide

EASO published a new COI report methodology, updating the 2012 version, as well as a style guide.

The April 2019 issue of The Researcher

The Researcher is published two times a year by the Refugee Documentation Centre (RDC) in Ireland. It is a publication which combines academic papers, summaries of caselaw, guides to new legislation, reports of conferences, articles on RDC services and items of country of origin information. 

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