Posts tagged with “reports”

AI releases Annual Report 2012, USDOS releases 2011 human rights reports

Amnesty International’s Annual Report 2012, as well as the US Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practice, both covering 2011, were released today.

Annual RSF report on Internet freedom, featured topics on Syria and Afghanistan updated

RSF has published the annual “Enemies of the Internet” report. And we updated the featured topics on Afghanistan and Syria.

Featured topic on Dagestan updated; Afghanistan: new ANSO website

The featured topic on Dagestan has been updated and the Afghanistan NGO Safety Office launched its new website, making available the ANSO reports.

HRW publishes World Report 2012

Human Rights Watch published its annual World Report, covering events in 2011. The introductory essay examines the Arab Spring.

New featured topic on Abyei (Sudan & South Sudan), update on Nigeria; new ACCORD-report on Myanmar

A new featured topic on the political and administrative status of the Abyei Area, disputed between Sudan & South Sudan, is available, and the featured topic on Nigeria has been updated. Additionally, a new 155 pages COI report on Myanmar has been published by ACCORD.

USDOS publishes annual report on religious freedom

The US Department of State released its annual report on international religious freedom. This year, the USDOS changes the reporting period of the reports, shifting to a calendar year. The current issue of the report covers July-December 2010.

Joint Fact Finding Mission Report on Kurds in Syria

The report “Human rights issues concerning Kurds in Syria” is the product of a joint fact finding mission by the Danish Immigration Service (DIS) and ACCORD/Austrian Red Cross to Damascus/Syria, Beirut/Lebanon, and Erbil and Dohuk in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in January/February 2010.

Report based on COI-Workshop: Clans in Somalia – revised edition

ACCORD released a revised edition of the report on Clans in Somalia based on a COI Workshop held by Dr. Joakim Gundel in May 2009.

New ACCORD report on Kurds in Turkey (German)

[continuing in German language] Der Bericht setzt sich mit Fragestellungen rund um Meinungs- und Redefreiheit, sowie Presse- und Versammlungsfreiheit in kurdischen Belangen auseinander, beleuchtet die Situation pro-kurdischer Parteien und gibt einen Überblick über die Situation von Kurden beim Wehrdienst, Ungleichbehandlungen von KurdInnen in Haft und vor Gericht, sowie über Gewalt gegen kurdische Frauen.

New ACCORD report on consciencious objection in Turkey (German)

[continuing in German lanugage only] Basierend auf einem Vortrag der türkischen Rechtsanwältin Suna Coskun vom 26. September 2008 in Wien setzt sich ein neuer Bericht von ACCORD mit Fragen rund um das Thema Wehrdienstverweigerung und Wehrpflicht auseinander.

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