Human Rights Watch published its annual World Report, covering events in 2016. ACCORD released a COI compilation on Sri Lanka.
The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has published an update of its COI report on the security situation in Afghanistan. EASO also published 6 country reports on West Balkan countries and one on Turkey.
The US Department of State released its annual report on international religious freedom covering 2015.
New featured topics on Turkey (refugees, i.e. international protection) and on Egypt (Copts) are now available. The featured topics on Afghanistan, Nigeria, the Russian Federation, and Somalia, all now dealing with the security situation, have been updated.
The US Department of State released its annual report on terrorism.
The UK Foreign & Commonewalth Office released its annual report on human rights in selected countries, covering 2015. UNHCR published new Eligibility Guidelines on Afghanistan.
The US Department of State released its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, covering 2015. And Freedom House launched this year’s “Nations in Transit” report.
The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) announced the launch of its redesigned COI portal. EASO’s COI portal is now accessible to the public and focuses on the the collection of COI authored by national asylum administrations from EU+ member states.
EASO has also published a new report on Somalia.
The 2016 edition of Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index is available. The report covers political participation, rule of law, stability of democratic institutions, socioeconomic development, economic transformation, private property and other topics for 129 countries and is published every two years.