Posts tagged with “manual”

Further Developing Asylum Quality in the EU: manual & summary report

UNHCR published a summary report on its EU-funded project on quality of asylum procedures in nine EU member states. Additionally, a manual introducing to various elements necessary for a high quality asylum system provides annotated checklists as an aide to decision-makers.

Common EU Guidelines on (Joint) Fact Finding Missions published

The EU common guidelines on (Joint) Fact Finding Missions serve as a practical tool to assist EU member states in organizing Fact Finding Missions to gather Country of Origin Information. Click on “Read more” for details on these new Guidelines and to access them.

COI Training Manual translated to Italian

With the Italian version of the COI Training Manual, translated by the Consiglio Italiano Rifugiati (CIR), the manual is now available in seven languages.

Common EU Guidelines for processing Country of Origin Information (COI)

The Common EU Guidelines for processing Country of Origin Information (COI), April 2008

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