As part of the CREDO project, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) published the second volume of its multidisciplinary training manual on the assessment of credibility in asylum procedures. This second volume focuses on multilingual contexts, gender-related challenges of credibility assessment and credibility assessment with children.
An abridged version of the revised edition of the training manual “Researching Country of Origin Information” is now available in German. It was published by Informationsverbund Asyl & Migration.
The revised edition of the training manual “Researching Country of Origin Information“, published by ACCORD in 2013, is now available in Russian. It was translated by UNHCR Ukraine.
As part of the EASO Practical Guide series, the European Asylum Support Office published a guide informing about the main tools and tips for online research of country of origin information.
The revised edition of the training manual “Researching Country of Origin Information”, published by ACCORD in 2013, is now available in Japanese. It was translated by the Project of Compilation and Documentation on Refugees and Migrants (CDR), University of Tokyo.
The European Journalism Center released a handbook on the verification of digital content, which is freely available online. While it is primarily targeted at journalists and aid responders, it provides valuable advice for anyone researching user-generated content / social media.
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has published a training module on researching and using COI for their asylum adjudicators. The document contains guidelines, examples and exercises for asylum decision-makers.
ACCORD has published a revised edition of the training manual “Researching Country of Origin Information”, updating the 2004 edition. It is available for download and in print now.