Featured topics on Dagestan and Afghanistan updated
The featured topics on Dagestan (security situation) and Afghanistan (general security situation and events in Kabul) have been updated.
5 September 2013: afghanistan, our work, russian federationBest practice guide for expert witnesses: Expert country evidence in asylum and immigration cases in the United Kingdom
Anthony Good and Tobias Kelly from the University of Edinburgh have published a Best Practice Guide for expert witnesses providing country evidence in asylum and immigration cases in the United Kingdom.
4 September 2013: coi, standards, ukFeatured topics on Nigeria and Somalia updated
The featured topics on Nigeria (Boko Haram) and Somalia (al-Shabaab) have been updated.
23 August 2013: nigeria, our work, somaliaAfghanistan: new UNHCR eligibility guidelines and UNAMA’s mid-year report published
Two important publications on Afghanistan have been released: new UNHCR eligibility guidelines and UNAMA’s mid-year report on the protection of civilians in armed conflict. Both are available on ecoi.net:
7 August 2013: afghanistan, reports, unama, unhcrFeatured topics on Afghanistan, Dagestan, and Nigeria updated
The featured topics on Afghanistan, Dagestan, and Nigeria have been updated.
12 July 2013: afghanistan, nigeria, our work, russian federationNew ACCORD report on Pakistan; Freedom House publishes Nations in Transit 2013
A new 242 pages COI report on Pakistan has been published by ACCORD. Freedom House published its annual Nations in Transit report.
19 June 2013: ACCORD, freedom house, pakistan, our work, reportsNew UNHCR report says global forced displacement at 18-year high
UNHCR released its annual Global Trends report, covering displacement that occurred during 2012.
19 June 2013: asylum statistics, unhcrUNHCR study on credibility assessment in asylum procedures in the EU
As part of the CREDO project, UNHCR published an extensive report on credibility assessment in EU asylum systems. The report also covers the use of COI for assessing credibility of statements of asylum seekers.
6 June 2013: asylum law, credibility, europe, unhcrUSDOS publishes annual report on terrorism for 2012
The US Department of State released its annual report on terrorism.
31 May 2013: reports, usdosAI releases Annual Report 2013
Amnesty International’s Annual Report 2013 (covering events of 2012) was released today.
23 May 2013: ai, reports