Featured topics on Nigeria and Somalia updated
The featured topics on Nigeria (Boko Haram) and Somalia (Al-Shabaab) have been updated.
27 September 2013: nigeria, our work, somaliaNew ACCORD report on Iran
A new 204 pages COI compilation on Iran has been published by ACCORD.
9 September 2013: ACCORD, iran, our work, reportsStyle Guide of the Refugee Documentation Centre, Ireland
The Irish Legal Aid Board’s Refugee Documentation Centre kindly granted us permission to publish their Query Response Style Guide.
6 September 2013: ireland, RDC, standards, coiFeatured topics on Dagestan and Afghanistan updated
The featured topics on Dagestan (security situation) and Afghanistan (general security situation and events in Kabul) have been updated.
5 September 2013: afghanistan, our work, russian federationBest practice guide for expert witnesses: Expert country evidence in asylum and immigration cases in the United Kingdom
Anthony Good and Tobias Kelly from the University of Edinburgh have published a Best Practice Guide for expert witnesses providing country evidence in asylum and immigration cases in the United Kingdom.
4 September 2013: coi, standards, uk