Freedom House publishes annual report on political rights and civil liberties in 2013

Freedom House published its annual report, “Freedom in the World 2014″. Some country chapters are already available online.

The report covers events of the year 2013. Eight country chapters are online as of the launch of the report (China, Egypt, Iran, Myanmar, the Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela), the other country chapters will follow in the next weeks and months.

Freedom House on “Freedom in the World 2014″:

“The state of freedom declined for the eighth consecutive year in 2013, according to Freedom in the World 2014, Freedom House’s annual country-by-country report on global political rights and civil liberties.

Particularly notable were developments in Egypt, which endured across-the-board reversals in its democratic institutions following a military coup. There were also serious setbacks to democratic rights in other large, politically influential countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Venezuela, and Indonesia.”

Freedom House kindly granted us permission to republish the report directly on

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