The second COI report produced by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has been published. It focuses on strategies of insurgents against Afghans (like intimidation or targeted violence).
From the press release:
“The report examines strategies used by the Taliban and other insurgent groups to intimidate the population. These include: night letters; illegal checkpoints; collection of taxes; abduction; targeted killings; parallel justice systems; targeting of relatives, and ‘hit lists’. It is important to keep in mind that the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan is largely defined by historical underlying mechanisms: Local rivalries, power play and tribal feuds. The insurgents often use these mechanisms to their benefit but it also works in the other direction. There are regional differences in this campaign of intimidation and targeted violence, which vary for the range of targeted profiles studied in this report, which include: Government officials and employees; Afghan National Security Forces; Government supporters; collaborators and contractors; Afghans working for international military forces; Afghans working for international organisations, companies, NGOs and Afghan NGOs; persons classed as “spies”; journalists, media and human rights activists; educational staff or students; medical staff; construction workers; truck drivers and those judged as violating the Taliban’s moral code.” (EASO press release, 6 December 2012)
The report is available at:
EASO: Afghanistan: Afghanistan – Insurgent strategies: intimidation and targeted violence against Afghans, December 2012