EASO publishes COI report on the security situation in Afghanistan

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has published a COI report on the security situation in Afghanistan.

From the press release:

“The report provides a comprehensive overview of the security situation in Afghanistan, and provides information relevant for the protection status determination of Afghan asylum seekers. Amongst other things, the report reveals that armed insurgent groups, such as the Taliban and Hezb-e Islami Afghanistan, have increasingly conducted large scale attacks on the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). The insurgents have been increasingly succesful in conquering and holding territory, but the ANSF generally still manage to control large city centres and towns in most of the country. Moreover, the report looks into the significant geographical differences in the security situation. EASO aims to update the security report every six months. [...]

The EASO COI ‘Afghanistan security situation’ report provides a general description of the security situation in Afghanistan, covering the following topics: a brief historic overview; actors in the conflict; security trends and armed confrontations; description of tactics and arms used; ability of the state to secure law and order; impact of the violence on security forces, civilian population and the political process; and the geographical overview of the security situation. In addition, the report provides a description of the security situation for each of the 34 provinces and Kabul. In these chapters, a general overview of the province is given, followed by a view on the impact of violence in the province and data on violent incidents. Qualitative information on the type of violence is also provided. Finally, a short overview on violence-induced displacements is given, followed by a description of the armed actors in the province. The reference period for the security report runs from 1 January 2014 until 31 October 2014. [...]

Researchers from Austria, Belgium, France, Greece, Hungary, Slovak Republic and EASO participated in the joint drafting process of this COI report.” (EASO press release, 13 February 2015)

The report is available at:

EASO: Afghanistan: Security Situation, January 2015

Relatedly, ecoi.net’s featured topic on Afghanistan has been updated:
Afghanistan: General Security Situation in Afghanistan and Events in Kabul

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