collects information for 160 countries from 120 sources on a daily basis to facilitate access to country of origin information relevant in refugee status determination procedures. The list of sources was currently revised and updated and is now available for download. offers a comprehensive overview of country of origin information relevant for refugee status determination procedures available on the Internet. Our sources include report and news releases of national and international NGOs as well as information of government departments dealing with asylum and refugee issues.
The Foreign Office for Migration and Refugees of Germany, the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, the Daily Star (English-language newspaper with a focus on Lebanon and the Middle East), Deutschlandfunk, the Forced Migration Review and the University of Bremen – Forschungsstelle Osteuropa were added to our list of sources in April.
In addition to these standard sources is updated with documents identified as relevant by ACCORD’s country researches in the context of their researches for query responses.