ACCORD released a revised edition of the report on Clans in Somalia based on a COI Workshop held by Dr. Joakim Gundel in May 2009.
The report addresses the political situation, Somali clan structure, clans and minorities, and human rights and protection issues. The COI Workshop was held in Vienna on 15 May 2009.
The present revised edition of the report replaces the previous edition published 31 August 2009. For this revised report, parts of chapters 4 and 5 (specifically those concerning the Yibr, Rer Hamar, Sheikhal, and Asharaf groups) have been corrected and supplemented at Dr. Gundel’s request, based on his written comments. Some clarifying changes in wording were also made in other chapters of the report. The final report was cleared with the expert.
Please note that the use of the previously published version of the report is no longer authorised.
You can download the report in English or German below.
Clans in Somalia, revised edition – English (2009-12-15)
Clans in Somalia, revised edition – German (2009-12-15)