New: date of availability on

New documents show the date of first availability on

Documents that are added to after 9 December 2022 display the date on which they were made available on as additional information. The date can be found on the document page.You can access a document page by clicking on the ID number in the bottom right corner of the document box.

As we cover our sources periodically, we don't add every document on the exact day it was published by its source. In addition, documents on go through a quality assurance process before they are made accessible to users (note: this quality assurance concerns the metadata, i.e. the correct data entry and description by our editors - not a document's content, which is the responsibility of its source).Some sources do not give an exact publication date for their publications, or give one that differs from the actual date of publication.

With the new date of availability on displayed in addition to the publication date provided by the source, we hope to increase the transparency of our editorial processes.

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