The Researcher is published three times a year by the Refugee Documentation Centre (RDC) in Ireland. It is a publication which combines academic papers, summaries of caselaw, guides to new legislation, reports of conferences, articles on RDC services and items of country of origin information.
The current issue features the following articles:
Aftermath of Cyclone Nargis in Burma/Myanmar
Trafficking in Human Beings – a Human Rights violation – a need for Protection
Emilie Wiinblad Mathez, Protection Officer, UNHCR Dublin
The Immigration, Residence and Protection Bill 2008- Protecting Children or Traffickers?
Grainne Brophy and Bernadette McGonigle, RLS
Rape as “persecution” in asylum law and policy
Caroline O’Connor, BL
Asylum and Culture Shock
Tiffy Allen
Kenyan Women Lawyers Federation
Sheena Greene, BL
Recent Developments in Immigration and Refugee Law
John Stanley BL, Mary Fagan RDC & Ross Murphy, RDC
The fate of India’s girl children under the spectre of foeticide
Patrick Dowling, RDC
The Politics of Fighting Windmills
Anastasia Stolovitskaya
Digital Developments in the Refugee Documentation Centre
Zoe Melling, RDC Librarian
Here you may download the current issue of The Researcher:
The Researcher – Issue 10 (June 2008)
Articles and summaries contained in The Researcher do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Refugee Documentation Centre or of the Legal Aid Board.