Informationssammlung zu den Protesten nach dem Tod von Mahsa Amini

Am 13. September 2022 wurde Mahsa Amini von der Sittenpolizei (Gascht-e-Erschad) festgenommen wegen des Vorwurfs, den Hidschab nicht ordnungsmäß zu tragen. Berichten zufolge wurde sie in Polzeigewahrsam geschlagen. Sie kam ins Krankenhaus, ihr Tod am 16. September 2022 löste landesweite Proteste aus.

Eine regelmäßig aktualisierte Überblickskarte zu den Orten der Proteste:

  • Lagekarte: Landkarte zu den seit 16. September 2022 anhaltenden Protesten

    Mapping the Protests in Iran (Spezieller Bericht oder Analyse, Englisch)

    Analyse von Daten zur Protestbewegung:

    Die neuesten Dokumente zum Thema

    Folgende Dokumente aus einer Suche nach mit den Protesten zusammenhängenden Begriffen bieten einen Einblick in aktuelle Geschehnisse rund um die Proteste: (Weitere Dokumente, sowie die Möglichkeit, die Suche anzupassen, finden Sie unter diesem Suchlink.)

    Berücksichtigte Synonyme: jina amini, mahsa amini, (neka naka nika) shakarami, zhina amini
    • Bericht zur Menschenrechtslage (Berichtszeitraum 2023)

      The State of the World's Human Rights; Iran 2023 (Periodischer Bericht, Englisch)

      • They continued to deny responsibility for the 2022 death in custody of Jina/Mahsa Amini and harassed her family. Authorities continued to conceal the truth surrounding the January 2020 missile strike against Ukraine International Airlines flight 752, which killed 176 people.
    • Bericht zur Menschenrechtslage (Berichtszeitraum 2023)

      Amnesty International Report 2023/24; Zur weltweiten Lage der Menschenrechte; Iran 2023 (Periodischer Bericht, Deutsch)

      • Die Behörden leugneten weiterhin jegliche Verantwortung für den Tod von Jina Mahsa Amini in Gewahrsam und schikanierten auch ihre Familie. Die Behörden verheimlichten weiterhin die Wahrheit über den Abschuss eines ukrainischen Passagierflugzeugs im Januar 2020 kurz nach dem Start in Teheran, bei dem alle 176 Menschen an Bord ums Leben gekommen waren.
    • Jahresbericht zur Menschenrechtslage im Jahr 2023

      2023 Country Report on Human Rights Practices: Iran (Periodischer Bericht, Englisch)

      • According to media reports and NGOs, multiple persons disappeared during the protests in the fall of 2022 following the death of Mahsa Zhina Amini in “morality police” custody. According to the NGO United for Iran, Iman Valadbeigi and Reza Abbasi disappeared during the protests, and their whereabouts remained unknown at year’s end. === C. […] According to the Kurdistan Human Rights Network and Reuters, on September 16, as part of a raid on Qarchak Women’s Prison, special forces beat and fired pellet bullets at inmates who had reportedly burned their clothing to protest on the one-year anniversary of the death of Mahsa Zhina Amini in police custody. […] In October, the Kurdistan Human Rights Network reported that Saleh Nikbakht, lawyer of the family of Mahsa Zhina Amini, was sentenced to one year in prison for propaganda against the regime. The government imprisoned lawyers and others affiliated with the Defenders of Human Rights Center advocacy group. […] She was most recently jailed during the Mahsa Zhina Amini protests of 2022. In September, Sepehri’s brother reported that authorities had prevented Sepehri from undergoing medical tests in prison that were prescribed by doctors. […] Enforcement of hijab laws resulted in fines, imprisonment, and other punishments such as mandatory psychiatric care for many women, and allegedly led to the death of Mahsa Zhina Amini in September 2022. Amini died after reportedly being beaten while in the custody of the morality police, who detained Amini for her alleged “improper hijab.”
    • Bericht zu politischen und sicherheitsrelevanten Entwicklungen (politische Proteste; Struktur und Kapazitäten des Militärs; Außenpolitik; Sanktionen; weitere Themen)

      Iran: Background and U.S. Policy (Spezieller Bericht oder Analyse, Englisch)

      • Report on political and security-related developments (political protests; structure and capabilities of the military; foreign policy; sanctions; other topics)
      • Iran’s authoritarian government is accused of overseeing and perpetrating a wide range of human rights abuses, including the violent repression of protests like those that broke out after the September 2022 death of Mahsa Amini, who was arrested for allegedly violating Iran’s mandatory hijab (or head covering) law and died in custody. […] U.S. and U.N. assessments have long cited Iran’s government for a wide range of human rights abuses in addition to its repression of political dissent and use of force against protesters, including severe violations of religious freedom and women’s rights, human trafficking, and corporal punishment. 2022-2023 Political Protests The September 2022 death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was arrested […] Dozens of measures related to Iran sanctions have been introduced in the 118th Congress; bills agreed to in the House include: • H.R. 589 (the Mahsa Amini Human Rights and Security Accountability, or MAHSA, Act), which the House agreed to 410-3 on September 12, 2023.
    • Analyse von außen- und innenpolitischen Entwicklungen des Tages im Iran sowie im Gazastreifen, Westjordanland, im Libanon, in Syrien, im Irak, Jordanien und Jemen (bzgl. Konflikten mit den israelischen Streitkräften)

      Iran Update, April 15, 2024 (Periodischer Bericht, Englisch)

      • social media users have correspondingly reported a sharp uptick in morality and veiling enforcement throughout Tehran City since then.[57] This enforcement involves arrests, fines, and verbal warnings.[58] Some users have reported similar enforcement activity in other cities, such as Karaj, Mashhad, and Yazd.[59] The Iranian regime reduced the number of morality patrols following the killing of Mahsa […] Amini in September 2022, although it did not entirely stop policing unveiled women in the months following her death.[60] Iranian social media users additionally noted an increased security presence in some Tehran universities in recent days, with some female dormitories reportedly requiring facial recognition technology for entry.[61] The full resumption of enforcing modesty standards in Tehran
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