Whether being born in Venezuela from Colombian parents as well as holding a Venezuelan passport and"cédula" (I.D.) means one is a Venezuelan national [VEN9551]

As per our telephone conversation, please find attached a copy of the section on nationality from the Constitution of Venezuela, as provided by the Embassy of Venezuela on 16 October 1991.
The Embassy of Venezuela stated that Venezuelan embassies and consulates do not decide on conflicting nationality issues (16 Oct. 1991). The Ministry of the Interior in Venezuela is the authority that decides on these issues. However, the source was able to provide the information that follows. Additional and/or corroborating information could not be found among the sources currently available to the IRBDC.
According to the Embassy of Venezuela during a telephone interview, a person born in Venezuela is automatically granted Venezuelan nationality, regardless of the parents' nationality (16 Oct. 1991). The source added that a person is a Venezuelan national if he/she is holding a Venezuelan passport that does not specifically state that the person is not a Venezuelan national (which would be the case with temporary passports issued to refugees, for example) (Ibid.). A "cédula" is also proof of Venezuelan nationality if the code printed in the card starts with the letter "V" (from Venezuelan), reading "V-" followed by a number (Ibid.). The cédula includes the person's fingerprint, signature, photograph and date of birth. The Embassy of Venezuela added that neither of these documents (passport or cédula) need to be valid (i.e.: not expired) in order to prove the person's nationality. They only need to be legitimate (non-counterfeit) to prove the person's nationality, and can be renewed in Venezuela or through embassies or consulates overseas. The source stated that persons who can show they are Venezuelan nationals are not impeded from entering Venezuela, meaning that a Venezuelan can enter his/her country by showing either a passport or a cédula (Ibid.).
As per our telephone conversation, the source added that Venezuelan law does not allow multiple nationality for Venezuelan nationals. However, the source added that many cases of multiple nationality (such as Venezuelan-Canadians) are not known to exist by Venezuelan authorities unless the person shows that he/she is holding multiple nationalities. The source quoted as an example people who present themselves to the Venezuelan Embassy or Consulate and show their Canadian passport when asking to renew their Venezuelan passport. The Embassy or Consulate personnel are not allowed to seize the person's passport or prevent him/her from going through with the request for renewal of the Venezuelan passport (Ibid.). However, the personnel who are aware of the existence of another country's passport issued in the name of the inquirer, are expected to report it to the Venezuelan authorities in charge of renewing the Venezuelan passport (Ministry of the Interior, in Venezuela). This could result in a refusal by the Ministry of the Interior to renew the Venezuelan passport. Upon this person's return to Venezuela, he/she may be asked to clarify his/her nationality. Finally, the source added that, if lost, Venezuelan nationality could be recovered (Ibid.).

Embassy of Venezuela, Ottawa. 16 October 1991. Telephone Interview with Information Officer.


Constitution of Venezuela [English-language translation], Title II, Articles 35-37 ("Nationality"). Copy of section provided by the Embassy of Venezuela by fax on 16 October 1991.