Information on an organization called United University Democratic Front (FUDD). [HND3262]

According to Honduras Update, the United University Democratic Front (FUUD) is "... a powerful reactionary student organization at the National University [which] has flourished during the tenure of the current university rector, Osvaldo Ramos Soto." ["State of Emergency", Honduras Update, Vol 6, Nos. 6-7, March/April, 1988, p.3.]Also, there are reports that the FUUD has purportedly been involved in bombings ["Return to Status Quo Resisted", Honduras Update, Vol 6, No. 8, May 1988, p.2.] and shootings [Shultz, Eric; "Top Civilians Involved in DRugs, Says Ex-Judge with Military Backing", Honduras Update, Vol 6, Nos. 9-10, Jun/July 1988, p.15.].

No further corroborating information is currently available to the IRBDC.
(HRV) Croatia / Croatie