Information on residence status of and the rights conferred thereby for a non-citizen male married to a female Greek citizen [GRC17497.E]

According to a representative of the Embassy of Greece in Ottawa, there is no such thing as permanent residence status for foreigners (9 June 1994). All non-citizens must obtain an adeia paramonis (permission to stay) which is temporary and can be of varying length (ibid.). Such temporary residence status takes the form of an identity card indicating the period time for which it is valid and containing particular information about the bearer as well as the individual's photograph (ibid).

The representative indicated that the duration of the temporary residence status for a non-citizen male married to a female Greek citizen would probably be for an initial one-year period and renewed for the same time period thereafter, although he did not discount the possibility of a longer adeia paramonis (ibid.).

Non-citizens with temporary residence status who are married to Greek citizens have the right to work. They must first find employment at which time the employer must apply to the appropriate authorities for a work permit (ibid.). Such non-citizens also have the same rights and access to health care services as Greek citizens (ibid.). The representative also indicated that, after a minimum of three years residence in Greece, they have the right to apply for Greek citizenship (ibid.). The representative stated that other non-citizen, temporary residents of Greece, such as refugees, do not have the above-mentioned rights (ibid.).


Embassy of Greece, Ottawa. 9 June 1994. Telephone interview with representative.