Update to Response to Information Request BGR27557.E of 26 August 1997 on the birth, marriage and death customs of Roma, their language, and whether identification documents indicate Roma ethnicity [BGR27893.E]

For information on the birth, marriage and death customs of Roma in Bulgaria, and on the different Roma communities and their languages, please consult the 11 September 1997 Minority Studies Society STUDII ROMANI attachment. According to a letter sent to the DIRB on 8 September 1997 by the executive director of the Human Rights Project in Sofia, "there [is] no explicit indication of the ethnic origin in the identity documents." In a 25 September 1997 telephone interview, the executive director of the Human Rights Project stated that the information contained in the 8 September 1997 letter reflects the viewpoint of the organization.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Human Rights Project, Sofia. 25 September 1997. Telephone interview with the executive director.

Human Rights Project, Sofia. 8 September 1997. Letter sent to the DIRB by the executive director.


Minority Studies Society STUDII ROMANI, Sofia. 11 September 1997. Letter sent to the DIRB.