Information on whether the wife of a Palestinian worker with a temporary work and residence permit has the right to live with her husband and leave and return to the UAE as long as he is employed there [ARE12884]

According to a consular officer at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in New York, the wife of a Palestinian worker has the right to reside with her husband in the UAE provided she has a visa, but she cannot stay in the country without one (22 Jan. 1993). The usual procedure is that the working husband applies for an entrance visa, for his wife, which is valid for one month (Ibid.). The nationality of the employee's wife does not matter; she should be able to obtain this visa without difficulties (Ibid.). Once in the country, the employee's wife applies for a residence visa, which is issued for the same length of time as the employed husband's contract (Ibid.). When she obtains this residence visa, the employee's wife can travel in and out of the UAE, but she cannot be out of the country for more than six months or her residence visa will automatically expire (Ibid.).

Additional or corroborating information is currently unavailable to the DIRB in Ottawa.


Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, New York. 22 January 1993. Telephone interview with consular officer.