Dokument #1104076
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
Information on the above-mentioned subjects
is currently unavailable to the IRBDC. However, the attached eight
articles, which have references to Ittihad-i Islami, may be
noteworthy. These articles identify Rasul Sayyaf (who could be the
same as Sayaf) as the leader of a Muslim fundamentalist party, the
Islamic Union (Unity) Party or Ittihad-i-Islami, which is
reportedly founded or financed by "Saudi Arabia" or "Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates." The attached articles also
refer to Rasul Sayyaf as the Prime Minister of the "rebels'
proposed interim government." According to these articles, the
party, which is based in Pakistan, is one of the members of the
Seven-Group Alliance.