Dokument #1000428
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
Please find attached the requested
The FMLN guerrillas have been active in two
campaigns since the Fall of 1988. The first was a systematic
campaign against mayors and elected officials throughout El
Salvador who have been threatened with "popular justice" [
"Salvadorian Mayors Told to Resign or Face popular Justice of
Guerrillas," Globe and Mail, 17 January 1989, p. A14.] by
the rebels unless they resign their posts. In January 1989 the
Latin American Weekly Report, has cited 8 incidents in which
mayors had been killed since September 1988 and 35 instances of
mayors resigning. [Latin America Newsletter LTD, Latin American
Regional Report, Mexico & Central America report, Feb. 16,
1989, (London: 1989), p. 8.] The El Rescate Chronology of
Events from January and February has indicated continued
pressure upon mayors, resulting in more than 40 resignations up to
February 1989. The Economist, January 1989, stated that one
third of the Mayoral positions in El Salvador were unfilled. [
"Death Maps", The Economist, 14/1/89, p. 41.]
The second campaign has been against
military and governmental targets in San Salvador since the
breakdown in talks between the FMLN and the government prior to the
elections held in March 1989. This campaign has included the
bombing of houses owned by military personnel, and attacks on
military and governmental installations. [ El Rescate,
Chronology of Events January 1989, (Los Angeles: El Rescate
Publications, 1989), pp. 10 - 11. and "Salvadorean rebels fire on
presidential palace", The Ottawa Citizen, 16 March 1989, p.
A 14. and " Guerrilla forces in El Salvador stepping up activities
near cities", The Globe and Mail, [Toronto], 11 April 1989,
p. A 17.] This campaign has resulted in the murder of the attorney
general and attacks on the vice-president's home. [ "Salvadorean
official killed by car bomb" The Globe and Mail, [Toronto],
20 April 1989, p. A5.]
The attached section of the United Nations
Special Rapporteur report on El Salvador in 1988 gives an overview
of the FMLN activities during the past year.
The attached sections of the Foreign
Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Report, for 3
November 1988 and December 1 1988 refer to FMLN activity in the
Apopa-Nejapa region and specifically the attack on an army convoy
near Nejapa on the 29 November 1988. The attached sections from El
Rescate Chronology of Events March 1989 cover bombings
reported in the latter half of March 1989.