Dokument #2100175
UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (Autor)
2023 3rd QUARTER SECTOR DASHBOARD Food Security and Agriculture
The dashboard summarizes the progress made by partners involved in the Lebanese Crisis Response Plan and highlights trends affecting people in need. The Food Security and Agriculture sector in Lebanon is working to:
OUTCOME 1) To ensure most vulnerable communities in Lebanon receive FOOD ASSISTANCE to reduce their food gaps and diversify their food intake.
OUTCOME 2) To improve agricultural production and productivity of most vulnerable farmers through AGRICULTURE LIVELIHOODS ASSISTANCE to protect, restore and sustain their livelihoods.
OUTCOME 3) To enhance national CAPACITIES, COORDINATION AND INFORMATION SHARING on food security and agriculture.
2023 Sector Funding Status As of 30 September
Key Achievements
Total received (since Jan-2023)
11.4% $137.8 M 9.1% $110.1 M
Required $1.2 B Total carry over (from 2022)
Required (ref. 2023 appeal)
For more details, please visit and navigate the FSA sector dynamic dashboard.
1. Key achievements of the sector at the output level Sector Results on Food Assistance (Outputs 1.1): Since the beginning of 2023, more than 2.1 million individuals in Lebanon received food assistance (of which 51% women and girls) at least two out of the six months through the support of sector partners. The main assistance modality was cash-based, covering 77 per cent of all food assistance through e-cards, vouchers, ATM and through financial providers. Food assistance was provided to Palestine refugees in Lebanon reaching 58,630 individuals (of which 53% women), and almost all Palestinian refugees from Syria. A total of 810,461 Leba- nese (of which 50 percent Lebanese women and girls) reaching 59 per cent of the sector target. This includes assistance provided under the National Poverty Targeting Programme (NPTP) reaching 409,819 individuals. Overall, 1,175,582 displaced Syrian reaching 87 per cent of the sector target. Furthermore, around 8,519 refugees from other nationalities (of which 51% women) were provided with food assistance.
Sector Results on Agricultural Livelihoods – Support to individ- uals, farmers, agriculture COOPs and MSMEs (Outputs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3): During the Jan-Sep period, and to alleviate the multi-facet- ed crises on the agricultural community, the Sector reached a total of 16,279 individuals in the agriculture sector, of which 39 percent were women. To enhance the technical and operational capacities of a total of 12,374 small-scale farmers, of which 28 per cent women benefitting from the implemented agricultural livelihoods interventions. These included technical trainings and distribution of agricultural inputs to improve crop and livestock farming practices as well as emergency short-term support through cash or vouchers modalities to purchase agricultural inputs to promote good and sustainable agricultur- al practices, agricultural investment and sustain their farming activities and livelihoods sources. In addition, such support benefitted small-scale farmers from new or rehabilitated infrastructure and assets, from vaccination campaign and from improved access to markets through trainings and technical
support, as well as linkages to market actors. In addition, a total of 417 agricultural cooperatives and/or agricultural associa- tions (formal and informal) received in-kind, financial, or techni- cal support. The overall committed total value of investment in agriculture and assets reached USD 2.05 million. A total of 3,905 individuals were employed in temporary casual labour and received training on skills and competencies in the agricul- ture sector, of which 38% were women. The assistance provid- ed employment opportunity in return of cash, while creating agricultural assets benefiting small-scale farmers and farming communities . Out of the total assisted with temporary casual labour, 68 per cent were Lebanese individuals, 32 per cent displaced Syrian. In addition, 936 individuals were provided with cash for training opportunities in the agriculture sector, of which 54 per cent were women, and 77 per cent Lebanese.
Sector Result 3 - To enhance national capacities, coordination and information sharing on food security and agriculture – in the coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture, the United Nations World Food Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Food Security and Agriculture sector (FSAS) and partners took part in the Integrat- ed Food Insecurity Phase Classification (IPC) September 2023 training and analysis. Among the FSAS partners, 71 individuals (of which 43 were female humanitarian staff) from 31 organiza- tions took part in both IPC Acute Food Insecurity (AFI) training and analysis.
2023 3rd QUARTER SECTOR DASHBOARD Food Security and Agriculture
2. KEY Challenges of the Sector
The FSA sector is facing gaps in funding . during the Q3 of 2023, only 20 per cent of the financial requirements have been received. This is partly due to the financial requirement of the FSAS being unique under both response framework (LCRP and ERP) in 2023. Even though in numbers the amount received is higher than of what was received in 2022 Q3, the shortfall is noticeable given the merged financial requirement of the sector. It is important to note that additional funding is being received through national and international organizations that are not tracked under the LCRP though activities and interventions are being reported . As such, the reach remains higher than the funding received.
In September 2023, the cost of the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) was LBP 31.7 million for a family of five or USD 354, while the MEB was of LBP 39.9 million (USD 446). The main increase was from the non-food portion on the basket, with only 14% increase was recorded in the food component (WFP June Market Monitor).
2023 3rd QUARTER SECTOR DASHBOARD Food Security and Agriculture
3.1 Presence map - Outcome 1: Food Assistance
3.2 Presence map - Outcome 2: Agricultural Livelihoods
2023 3rd QUARTER SECTOR DASHBOARD Food Security and Agriculture
3.3 Gap Analysis