Anfragebeantwortung zu Pakistan: Informationen zu (willkürlicher) Verhaftung von Familienangehörigen von politisch Verfolgten [a-11930]

1. Juni 2022

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Kurzbeschreibungen zu den in dieser Anfragebeantwortung verwendeten Quellen sowie Ausschnitte mit Informationen aus diesen Quellen finden Sie im Anhang.

Das US-amerikanische Außenministerium (US Department of State, USDOS) erwähnt in seinem Jahresbericht zur Menschenrechtslage in Pakistan im Jahr 2021, dass es glaubwürdige Meldungen über willkürliche Verhaftungen, politische Gefangene, politisch motiviertes Vorgehen gegen Personen in anderen Ländern, einschließlich Tötungen, Entführungen oder Gewalt, gebe. Außerdem hätten glaubwürdige Berichte willkürliche oder ungesetzliche Eingriffe in die Privatsphäre, schwerwiegende Einschränkungen der freien Meinungsäußerung und der Medien, einschließlich Gewalt gegen Journalist·innen, ungerechtfertigte Verhaftungen und das Verschwinden von Journalist·innen, Zensur und strafrechtliche Verleumdungsgesetze, erwähnt (USDOS, 12. April 2022, Executive Summary).

In den vergangenen Jahren berichteten Medien von Festnahmen von Oppositionspolitiker innen (u.a. The News International, 24. April 2020; Daily Times, 29. November 2019; BBC News, 8. August 2019; BBC News, 10. Juni 2019). Im Mai 2022 habe die Polizei von Kohsar die PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf)-Anhängerin und ehemalige Bundesministerin für Menschenrechte Dr. Shireen Mazari vor ihrem Haus in Zusammenhang mit einem Fall von Landraub im Bezirk Rajanpur festgenommen und an Ermittler der Antikorruptionsbehörde übergeben (The Nation, 22. Mai 2022).

Im Fall von Ex-Präsident Asif Ali Zardari sei auch dessen Schwester, die Politikerin Faryal Talpur, festgenommen worden (BBC News 10. Juni 2019).

Desweiteres sei Maryam Nawaz Sharif, die Tochter des bereits inhaftierten ehemaligen Premierministers Nawaz Sharif, verhaftet worden (BBC News, 8. August 2019; BBC News, 6. Juli 2018; BBC News, 28. Juli 2017), sowie deren Cousin Yousaf Abbas Sharif (The News International, 24. April 2020; BBC News, 8. August 2019) und andere Familienangehörige (Daily Times, 29. November 2019, BBC News, 3. November 2017). Ihnen werde Korruption vorgeworfen (The News International, 24. April 2020; Daily Times, 29. November 2019, BBC News, 8. August 2019; BBC News, 6. Juli 2018, BBC News, 3. November 2017; BBC News, 28. Juli 2017). Für die Betroffenen beziehungsweise ihre Parteien sei jedoch denkbar, dass politische Motive hinter den Festnahmen stecken (BBC News, 8. August 2019; BBC News, 6. Juli 2018; BBC News, 3. November 2017). Es sei zu unangekündigter Zensur durch den Staat bei vorhergehenden Fernsehauftritten von Asif Ali Zardari (BBC News, 28. Juli 2019) und Maryam Nawaz Sharif (BBC News, 28. Juli 2019; BBC News, 8. August 2019) gekommen.

Im Mai 2022 habe die Polizei von Punjab im Zuge ihres Durchgreifens gegen die Partei Pakistan Tehreek a-Insan (PTI) eine Razzia im Haus der pensionierten Richterin Nasira Iqbal durchgeführt (Business Recorder, 25. Mai 2022; The Nation, 25. Mai 2022)., deren Sohn PTI-Mitglied sei (Business Recorder, 25. Mai 2022). Von weiteren Razzien gegen PTI-Politiker·innen wurde ebenfalls berichtet (Pakistan Today, 24. Mai 2022). Bei der Razzia im Haus des PTI-Führers Mian Aslam Iqbal sei sein Bruder Mian Afzal Iqbal verhaftet worden (Pakistan Today, 24. Mai 2022).

Am 1. Mai 2022 berichtete die pakistanische Tageszeitung Dawn von der Meldung eines Rechtsanwaltes, der Mitglied der Pakistan Muslim League (PML) sei, dass sein Sohn von der Polizei festgenommen worden und sein Aufenthaltsort zunächst unbekannt gewesen sei. Der Vater sei selbst zuvor aus politischen Gründen festgenommen worden (Dawn, 1. Mai 2022).

Im April 2022 seien laut der internationalen Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International (AI) acht Menschen von der pakistanischen Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) - der pakistanischen Regierungsbehörde für Nachrichtendienste und Kriminalpolizei – in Punjab verhaftet worden, nachdem sie sich auf Twitter kritisch gegenüber dem Staat geäußert hätten. Die Verhaftungen stünden in Zusammenhang mit dem Durchgreifen der FIA gegen Social Media-Aktivist·innen. Laut einer Vertreterin von Amnesty International werde das pakistanische Gesetz über elektronische Straftaten benutzt, um Menschen zu bestrafen, die online von ihrem Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung Gebrauch machten, sowie als Instrument zur Unterdrückung friedlicher Meinungsverschiedenheiten und zur Einschüchterung von Anhänger·innen der politischen Opposition (AI, 13. April 2022).

Im Jahresbericht zur Menschenrechtslage im Jahr 2021 schreibt Amnesty International (AI), dass die Einschränkung des Rechts auf freie Meinungsäußerung in Pakistan weiter zugenommen habe und Sicherheitskräfte verstärkt gegen Journalist·innen und Menschenrechtsverteidiger·innen vorgegangen seien (AI, 29. März 2022).

Im Mai 2022 sei der Journalist Jahangir Hayat von der Polizei angegriffen und festgenommen worden, wobei er Rippenverletzungen erlitten habe. Die örtliche Polizei habe zudem auch Hayats Frau und seine siebenjährige Tochter festgehalten und sie für etwa 45 Minuten in Gewahrsam genommen (Khaama Press, 11. Mai 2022).

Laut AI seien Muhammad und Uzlifat Ismail, die Eltern der Menschenrechtsaktivistin Gulalai Ismail, im September 2020 wegen Aufwiegelung und Terrorismus angeklagt worden. Bereits zuvor seien sie wegen Terrorismusvorwürfen festgenommen und angeklagt worden. Gulalai Ismail habe im September 2019 aus ihrem Heimatland fliehen müssen (AI, 3. Februar 2021, S. 1). Im Februar 2021 sei Muhammad Ismail erneut verhaftet worden, nachdem er zuvor auf Kaution freigekommen sei (AI, 29. März 2022; AI 3. Februar 2021, S. 1).

Quellen: (Zugriff auf alle Quellen am 1. Juni 2022)

·      AI – Amnesty International: Pakistan: Immediately release eight people arrested over critical tweets, 13. April 2022

·      AI – Amnesty International: Amnesty International Report 2021/22; Zur weltweiten Lage der Menschenrechte; Pakistan 2021, 29. März 2022

·      AI – Amnesty International: Professor trotz COVID-19-Infektion erneut in Haft; UA-Nr: UA-148/2019-2 [ASA 33/3626/2021], 3. Februar 2021

·      BBC News: Maryam Nawaz Sharif: Opposition politician arrested in Pakistan, 8. August 2019

·      BBC News: Pakistan censorship: 'Hovering above the mute button', 28. Juli 2019

·      BBC News: Asif Ali Zardari: Former Pakistan President Zardari arrested, 10. Juni 2019

·      BBC News: Pakistan ex-PM Nawaz Sharif given 10-year jail term, 6. Juli 2018

·      BBC News: Pakistani ex-PM Nawaz Sharif's corruption trial adjourned, 3. November 2017

·      BBC News: Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif resigns over Panama Papers verdict, 28. Juli 2017

·      Business Recorder, Asif apologises for raid on Justice Nasira’s home, 25. Mai 2022

·      Daily Times, Yousuf Abbas Sharif seeks hospitalisation for toothache, 29. November 2019

·      Dawn: PML-F activist’s son tells court he was abducted by police, 1. Mai 2022

·      Khaama Press: Pakistani Journalist Suffers Rib Injuries in Police Assault, 11. Mai 2022

·      Pakistan Today: Sheikh Rashid Likely To Be Detained Or Placed Under House Arrest, 24. Mai 2022 (verfügbar auf Factiva)

·      The Nation: Kh Asif apologises over police raid on Justice (retd) Nasira’s residence, 25. Mai 2022

·      The Nation: Shireen Mazari arrested, released on IHC order after 10-hour detention, 22. Mai 2022

·      The News International: NAB challenges Yousaf Abbas Sharif’s bail in Supreme Court, 24. April 2020

·      USDOS – US Department of State: 2021 Country Report on Human Rights Practices: Pakistan, 12. April 2022


Anhang: Quellenbeschreibungen und Informationen aus ausgewählten Quellen

·      AI – Amnesty International: Pakistan: Immediately release eight people arrested over critical tweets, 13. April 2022

„Responding to the arrest of eight people, all of whom were detained by the Federal Investigative Agency after they published criticism of the state on Twitter, Dinushika Dissanayake, Amnesty International’s South Asia Research Director, said:

‘The Pakistani authorities must stop using the draconian Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act to punish people who are simply exercising their right to freedom of expression online. For far too long, successive governments have used this law as a tool to crush peaceful dissent and intimidate supporters of political opposition.[‘]“(AI, 13. April 2022)

„On 13 April, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) arrested eight people across Punjab. The arrests came after the FIA launched a crackdown on social media activists that the agency believes were involved in a smear campaign against state institutions. The FIA has told the media that the arrests are not related to any political opposition parties.“ (AI, 13. April 2022)

·      AI – Amnesty International: Amnesty International Report 2021/22; Zur weltweiten Lage der Menschenrechte; Pakistan 2021, 29. März 2022

„Die Einschränkung des Rechts auf freie Meinungsäußerung nahm weiter zu. Die Sicherheitskräfte gingen verstärkt gegen Journalist_innen und Menschenrechtsverteidiger_innen vor.

Im Februar 2021 wurde der pensionierte Professor Muhammad Ismail erneut inhaftiert, nachdem ein Gericht seine Haftentlassung gegen Kaution wieder aufgehoben hatte. Die Behörden hatten ihn wegen des menschenrechtlichen Engagements seiner Tochter ins Visier genommen. Trotz seines schlechten Gesundheitszustands wurden die Verhandlungen über seine Freilassung gegen Kaution wiederholt verschoben, bis er im April schließlich freikam.“ (AI, 29. März 2022)

·      AI – Amnesty International: Professor trotz COVID-19-Infektion erneut in Haft; UA-Nr: UA-148/2019-2 [ASA 33/3626/2021], 3. Februar 2021

Am 2. Februar wurde Professor Muhammad Ismail erneut inhaftiert, nachdem ein Antiterrorgericht in Peshawar seine Freilassung gegen Kaution nicht bestätigt hatte. Der 66-Jährige unterstützt seine Tochter, die Menschenrechtsverteidigerin Gulalai Ismail, und sieht sich einer Anklage wegen ‚Terrorismus-Finanzierung‘ gegenüber. Ihm droht eine langjährige Haftstrafe. Muhammad Ismail wurde kürzlich positiv auf Covid-19 getestet und seine Angehörigen berichten, dass sich sein Gesundheitszustand erheblich verschlechtert habe. Im Falle einer Gefängnisstrafe sind seine Gesundheit und seine Sicherheit in ernsthafter Gefahr. Der erneuten Festnahme von Muhammad Ismail gingen massive Einschüchterungsversuche voraus. Die Familie Ismail wird bereits seit Mai 2019 überwacht, bedroht und eingeschüchtert, ihre Wohnung wurde mehrmals durchsucht. Seit Juli 2019 muss Muhammad Ismail immer wieder vor Gericht erscheinen. Er selbst und seine Frau stehen auf den Flugverbotslisten des Landes, sodass sie ihre Tochter Gulalai Ismail nicht treffen können. Diese musste im September 2019 aus ihrem Heimatland fliehen. Da Muhammad Ismail unter dem drakonischen Antiterrorgesetz und dem Digitalverbrechensgesetz Pakistans angeklagt ist, droht ihm eine langjährige Haftstrafe. Nachdem er sich online für seine Tochter und deren menschenrechtliche Arbeit eingesetzt hatte, sah sich der Professor zunächst Terrorismus-Vorwürfen gegenüber, später lautete die Anklage auf ‚Aufwiegelung‘. Am 2. Juli 2020 sprach das Antiterrorgericht in Peshawar Gulalai Ismail, Muhammad Ismail und seine Frau Uzlifat vom Vorwurf des ‚Finanzterrorismus‘ frei. Doch bereits drei Monate später, am 30. September 2020, wurden sie vom selben Gericht wegen ‚Aufwiegelung‘ und ‚Terrorismus‘ angeklagt – worauf lange Haftstrafen stehen.“ (AI, 3. Februar 2021, S. 1)

BBC News ist ein britischer Nachrichtensender

·      BBC News: Maryam Nawaz Sharif: Opposition politician arrested in Pakistan, 8. August 2019

„Maryam Nawaz Sharif, a leading figure in Pakistan's political opposition, has been arrested by anti-graft authorities. She was visiting her father, the jailed former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, when she was taken into custody. The country's National Accountability Bureau (NAB) said she was being held in connection with a money laundering investigation. Her PML-N party said the arrest was politically motivated. Ms Sharif's cousin, Yousaf Abbas Sharif, was also arrested. The pair will appear before a Lahore court on Friday. In a brief statement the NAB, an anti-corruption watchdog, said that Ms Sharif was detained in connection with a corruption investigation involving a sugar mill owned by the Sharif family.

Ms Sharif has led several large political rallies in recent weeks and is a vocal critic of Prime Minster Imran Khan and Pakistan's powerful military. Parts of her speeches at these rallies have been muted during television broadcasts within Pakistan, but Mr Khan and the military have denied accusations of censorship.“ (BBC News, 8. August 2019)

·      BBC News: Pakistan censorship: 'Hovering above the mute button', 28. Juli 2019

„The interview, between one of Pakistan's best-known TV news anchors, Hamid Mir, and leading opposition politician Asif Ali Zardari, was only a few minutes into its transmission when it was suddenly interrupted by an unscheduled ad break and news bulletin. Mr Mir vented his frustration on Twitter, blaming unnamed censors. ‘We are not living in a free country,’ he said.

Just over a week later, another TV interview, of another opposition politician, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, cut to an unexpected ad break midway. When the break ended, instead of Ms Sharif, viewers were presented with an old interview of a leading figure from the ruling party. […]

These are two of the most prominent examples of what has been termed ‘unannounced censorship’ in Pakistan. Last week journalists held protests outside press clubs in major cities across the country demanding an end to restrictions on what they publish and broadcast. Supporters of the government claim the complaints are made by biased journalists. During a visit to Washington this week Prime Minister Imran Khan dismissed allegations of censorship, telling reporters: ‘To say there are curbs on [the] Pakistani press is a joke.’ However, there appears to be clear evidence of attempts to prevent criticism of Mr Khan's government and the Pakistani military, as well as to suppress claims by his political opponents that they are being unfairly accused in corruption cases. Pakistan is ranked 142nd out of 180 countries in the 2019 Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index.“ (BBC News, 28. Juli 2019)

·      BBC News: Asif Ali Zardari: Former Pakistan President Zardari arrested, 10. Juni 2019

„Asif Ali Zardari, the former president of Pakistan, has been arrested in Islamabad over a money laundering case. It came after a high court rejected extending pre-arrest bail for him and his sister. They are accused of hiding financial kickbacks in fake accounts. Mr Zardari has previously spent time in jail on corruption charges, but was president from 2008 until 2013. He was elected to office after the assassination of his wife, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

Footage on Pakistani media shows members of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) entering his home after the Islamabad High Court's decision. He was seen leaving the residence with his son, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, who is the current chair of the opposition Pakistan People's Party (PPP). Supporters at the address chanted ‘long live Bhutto’, in reference to the family's political dynasty, Reuters news agency reported. Mr Zardari has long been considered one of the most controversial figures in Pakistani politics. He spent time in jail in the 1990s and 2000s, and was nicknamed ‘Mr 10%’ for the commissions on government contracts he allegedly received.

What is Mr Zardari accused of?

Investigators say fake bank accounts were used to funnel billions of rupees. Dozens of companies and hundreds of people have been implicated in the scandal, according to Pakistani media reports. Mr Zardari denies wrongdoing in this latest ‘fake accounts’ case, which has been under investigation since 2015. He and his sister, lawmaker Faryal Talpur, had their interim bail extended multiple times before Monday's decision. Both attended court earlier on Monday under tight security conditions, but Ms Talpur has not yet been taken into custody.

Pakistan's interior minister, Ejaz Shah, told parliament on Monday that the government had no role in Mr Zardari's arrest. A party spokesman has appealed for PPP supporters to remain peaceful. Mr Zardari has only been arrested, not convicted yet, but the move will be a blow for the PPP party he jointly leads and the wider political opposition.

Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif (from the PMLN party) is already in jail having been sentenced in another corruption case in 2018.

The current government lead by Prime Minister Imran Khan, were elected on a strident anti-corruption platform, but they will be keen not to be seen as interfering in the case against Mr Zardari. He has always dismissed allegations against him as being politically motivated.

Mr Zardari is not a popular figure in Pakistan, and few ordinary people will have much sympathy for him. But there may well be questions about why he has been taken into custody now. Is an element of political vendetta indeed at play, or is this long overdue accountability? They are the same questions that were being asked during the trial of former PM Nawaz Sharif.“ (BBC News, 10. Juni 2019)

·      BBC News: Pakistan ex-PM Nawaz Sharif given 10-year jail term, 6. Juli 2018

„A Pakistani court has sentenced former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to 10 years in prison on corruption charges related to four luxury London flats. The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) court handed down the verdict after a series of delays. His daughter and son-in-law were also convicted. Sharif, who is currently in London and was sentenced in absentia, says the charges are politically motivated and has vowed to return to Pakistan.“ (BBC News, 6. Juli 2018)

·      BBC News: Pakistani ex-PM Nawaz Sharif's corruption trial adjourned, 3. November 2017

„Pakistan's court has adjourned the hearing of two cases of alleged corruption against former PM Nawaz Sharif until 7 November. He and some of his family members are facing charges relating to their ownership of properties in London. They deny any wrongdoing, saying the charges are politically motivated.“ (BBC News, 3. November 2017)

·      BBC News: Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif resigns over Panama Papers verdict, 28. Juli 2017

„The court has recommended anti-corruption cases against several individuals, including Mr Sharif, his daughter Maryam and her husband Safdar, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and others.“ (BBC News, 28. Juli 2017)

Business Recorder ist eine pakistanisch-englische Finanztageszeitung.

·      Business Recorder, Asif apologises for raid on Justice Nasira’s home, 25. Mai 2022

„As the crackdown on Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) ahead of the party’s ‘Azadi March’ onto Islamabad intensified, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif on Tuesday apologised on the floor of the National Assembly for the raid by the Punjab Police on the residence of retired justice Nasira Iqbal, saying the government had nothing but respect for her.

Speaking in the house, Asif apologised for the excessive use of force during the raid at the retired judge’s residence but did say that the apology should not be selective as no one condemned when Noor Alam Khan – a PTI dissident’s – house was raided.

‘I want to say this with the utmost respect that condemnation should not be selective. It should be above party lines,’ Asif said, noting that despite Justice (retd) Nasira’s son being a member of the PTI, he condemned the raid.“ (Business Recorder, 25. Mai 2022)

Daily Times ist eine pakistanische Tageszeitung.

·      Daily Times, Yousuf Abbas Sharif seeks hospitalisation for toothache, 29. November 2019

„Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Shehbaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz, Hamza Shahbaz and Yousuf Abbas are being investigated in the reference filed by the accountability bureau over alleged money laundering through Chaudhry Sugar Mills. NAB [National Accountability Bureau] Chairman Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal had issued arrest warrants of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif on October 04. The NAB alleged that a $15 million loan was taken on the pretext to set up the Chaudhry Sugar mills despite the fact that it had already been established before the loan was acquired. The loan was never transferred to Pakistan as shown by the record of the State Bank of Pakistan, according to the accountability bureau.“ (Daily Times, 29. November 2019)

·      Dawn: PML-F activist’s son tells court he was abducted by police, 1. Mai 2022

„The first sessions judge of Sukkur on Saturday issued a notice to the district police chief on an application submitted by a lawyer’s son, Sarmad Jamal, to explain his position regarding the applicant’s alleged abduction by a police team a couple of days back.

Sarmad Jamal’s father Jamal Nasir Bulo, a lawyer belonging to the Pakistan Muslim League-Functional (PML-F), had reported detention of his son by a police team and claimed that his whereabouts were not known. Mr Bulo stated that he himself was booked in a case on political grounds.“ (Dawn, 1. Mai 2022)

Khaama Press ist eine afghanische Online-Zeitung.

·      Khaama Press: Pakistani Journalist Suffers Rib Injuries in Police Assault, 11. Mai 2022

„Pakistan police assaulted and detained journalist Jahangir Hayat, including his family, according to a report by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJs) on Tuesday, leaving the media practitioner with rib injuries. […]

The report also added that local police detained Hayat’s wife and a seven-year-old daughter, keeping them in custody for about 45 minutes.“ (Khaama Press, 11. Mai 2022)

Pakistan Today ist eine pakistanische Tageszeitung.

·      Pakistan Today: Sheikh Rashid Likely To Be Detained Or Placed Under House Arrest, 24. Mai 2022 (verfügbar auf Factiva)

„Earlier, Punjab police launched a crackdown against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders and workers ahead of PTI long march during which one man and dozens of PTI workers were taken into custody.

Police raided the PTI leader and former federal minister Hammad Azhar residence in Abu Bakar Block New Gardan Town Lahore on late Monday night to arrest him.

Police allegedly used ladder to enter the house of Hammad Azhar. However, police failed in its attempt to arrest Hammad Azhar as he was not present at home at the time of police raid. Police arrested several PTI workers from outside Hammad Azhar's house.

In Lahore, police also raided PTI leader Mian Aslam Iqbal and arrested his brother Mian Afzal Iqbal. The residences of Senator Ijaz Chaudhry, Senator Waleed Iqbal, MPA Saadia Sohail and PTI leader Jamshaid Cheema were also raided by police.

In Sialkot, police raided the houses of PTI leaders Firdous Ashiq Awan and Usman Dar to arrest them but they were not present at their residences at the time of police raid.

Police also reached the Lal Havaili, the residence of Awami Muslim League (AML) chief Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, to arrest Sheikh Rashid and his nephew MNA Rashid Shafique but police returned empty handed as both the leaders were not present there.

Police also raided former provincial law minister Raja Bisharat residence but he was not present there. Raja Bisharat in a video message after the police raid said that the PTI long march cannot be stopped.

Police also reached the residence of PTI leader Babar Awan in Islamabad and returned empty handed after questioning his servants.“ (Pakistan Today, 24. Mai 2022)

The Nation ist eine pakistanische Tageszeitung.

·      The Nation: Kh Asif apologises over police raid on Justice (retd) Nasira’s residence, 25. Mai 2022

„ISLAMABAD – Federal Minister for Defence Khawaja Muhammad Asif, a day before the PTI long march, categorically stated in the National Assembly that the present government would not allow anarchy in the country and any ‘armed invasion’ would be dealt with according to the law.

‘If the armed groups try to spread anarchy in the country, then the law would definitely take its course,’ said Defence minister, while speaking on a point of order about the PTI’s long march. The minister, without mincing words, said that the present government would not allow anyone challenging the writ of the state. ‘Don’t make a mistake of challenging the writ of the state,’ he said, condemning the police raid at the home of Justice (retd) Nasira Iqbal [Mother of PTI’s Senator Walid Iqbal]. The minister also twice apologised over the raid at the residence of Justice (retd) Nasira Iqbal by Punjab police. About the statement of former prime minister Imran Khan regarding ‘bloody march’, he strongly criticised the PTI’s chairman for an irresponsible statement which would aggravate law and order situation in the country.

[…] Dr Fehmida Mirza [GDA’s MNA] from the opposition benches criticised the govt for raiding the houses of politicians at midnight without warrants.“ (The Nation, 25. Mai 2022)

·      The Nation: Shireen Mazari arrested, released on IHC order after 10-hour detention, 22. Mai 2022

„ISLAMABAD – A police team of Kohsar police had taken into custody PTI [Pakistan Tehreek e-Insaf] stalwart and former Federal Minister for Human Rights Dr Shireen Mazari from outside her house located at E-7 on Saturday in a case related to encroachment of land in district Rajanpur. The police team, assisted by lady constables, later handed her over to investigators of Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) Punjab (Rajanpur), who drove the accused ex-Minister to Lahore for further investigation. The arrest of the former federal minister sparked an unrest in the whole country with all the big wigs of PTI rushing to police station Kohsar and staging a protest against the government for arresting Dr Shireen Mazari. Imaan Mazari, the daughter of PTI leader, in a tweet said that the cops of the capital police had beaten up and arrested her from home. In a late night development Dr Shireen Mazari was released on the orders of Islamabad High Court Chief Justice Athar Minallah. Chief Justice also ordered a judicial inquiry into the incident.“ (The Nation, 22. Mai 2022)

The News International ist eine pakistanische Tageszeitung.

·      The News International: NAB challenges Yousaf Abbas Sharif’s bail in Supreme Court, 24. April 2020

„The NAB [National Accountability Bureau] Thursday challenged the bail granted to Yousaf Abbas Sharif, nephew of former premier Nawaz Sharif, in Chaudhry Sugar Mills case. The NAB in its plea urged the Supreme Court to turn down the Lahore High Court verdict regarding granting the bail to Yousaf Abbas Sharif as the facts in the case were not thoroughly reviewed by the high court. The NAB said Yousaf Abbas Sharif remained CEO [Chief Executive Officer] of Chaudhry Sugar Mills and played a key role in corruption and caused billions of rupees loss to the national exchequer.“ (The News International, 24. April 2020)

·      USDOS – US Department of State: 2021 Country Report on Human Rights Practices: Pakistan, 12. April 2022

„Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary killings, including extrajudicial killings by the government or its agents; forced disappearance by the government or its agents; torture and cases of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment by the government or its agents; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary detention; political prisoners; politically motivated reprisal against individuals in another country, including killings, kidnappings, or violence; arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy; support to the Taliban, a nonstate armed militant group that recruited and used child soldiers; serious restrictions on free expression and media, including violence against journalists, unjustified arrests and disappearances of journalists, censorship, and criminal defamation laws […].“ (USDOS, 12. April 2022, Executive Summary)