Anfragebeantwortung zu Syrien: Möglichkeit zwischen den kurdischen Gebieten im Nordosten Syriens und dem Irak hin- und herzureisen, offener Grenzübergang [a-11657-2]

2. September 2021

Das vorliegende Dokument beruht auf einer zeitlich begrenzten Recherche in öffentlich zugänglichen Dokumenten, die ACCORD derzeit zur Verfügung stehen sowie gegebenenfalls auf Auskünften von Expert·innen und wurde in Übereinstimmung mit den Standards von ACCORD und den Common EU Guidelines for processing Country of Origin Information (COI) erstellt.

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Kurzbeschreibungen zu den in dieser Anfragebeantwortung verwendeten Quellen sowie Ausschnitte mit Informationen aus diesen Quellen finden Sie im Anhang.

Laut Kurdistan 24 sei der Grenzübergang von Semalka der einzige Grenzübergang zwischen der Autonomen Administration von Nordost Syrien und der Autonome Region Kurdistan im Irak. Der Grenzübergang ermögliche das Bestehen einer wichtigen Handelsroute und ermögliche vielen Bürger·innen von Nordost-Syrien Zugang zu medizinischer und humanitärer Hilfe (Kurdistan24, 23. Juni 2021).

Enab Baladi beschreibt in einem Artikel vom Juli 2021 die Lage am Grenzübergang von Semalka. Der Grenzübergang werde von Zivilist·innen genutzt um, unter bestimmten Auflagen, Verwandte in der Autonomen Region Kurdistan im Irak zu besuchen. Europäer·innen, Personen mit Aufenthaltserlaubnis in Europa, Händler·innen und Bräuten sei es gestattet, den Übergang zu nutzen. Auch nütze die US-geführte Koalition den Grenzübergang, um militärische Ausrüstung nach Syrien zu liefern, und humanitäre Organisationen würden über diese Route Hilfen nach Syrien bringen.

Außerdem verlaufe die einzige Handelsroute der Autonomen Administration von Nordost-Syrien über diesen Grenzübergang und die syrische Seite sei aus diesem Grund gezwungen jegliche geforderten Maßnahmen der irakisch-kurdischen Seite zu akzeptieren. Die Regionalregierung der Autonomen Region Kurdistan im Irak verlange zurzeit, dass die Verwaltung von Semalka für jede Person, die die Grenze überqueren möchte, ein Formular mit den persönlichen Daten der Person, einschließlich Familienstand, Namen der Familienmitglieder, aktuelle und ehemalige Wohnadressen, Nationalität, Religion, Stamm, sowie Zielort in der Autonomen Region Kurdistan im Irak und Name der Person, die besucht werde, zur Verfügung stelle.

Laut Enab Baladi gebe es für ZivilIst·innen neben dem genannten Formular noch weitere Schwierigkeiten, um auf die irakische Seite der Grenze zu gelangen. Patient·innen und Ehepartner·innen sollten innerhalb von 48 Stunden eine Einreiseerlaubnis erhalten, doch seien sie zum Zeitpunkt des Verfassens des Artikels dazu gezwungen gewesen, vier Tage an der Grenze auf eine solche Genehmigung zu warten. Es werde berichtet, dass Personen an der Grenze schikaniert, verhört und zu stundenlangen Wartezeiten gezwungen würden und Verwundete, die zu Behandlungszwecken in die Autonome Region Kurdistan im Irak gebracht würden, würden vom Geheimdienst unangemessen behandelt. Auch medizinische Notfälle, die früher freien Zugang gehabt hätten, müssten nun das genannte Formular ausfüllen.

Bewohner·innen von Nordost-Syrien seien aufgrund der Probleme an den Grenzen Milizen und Schmugglern ausgeliefert, die informelle Grenzübergänge kontrollieren würden. (Enab Baladi, 8. Juli 2021)

Das World Food Programme (WFP) berichtet im Februar 2020 von einer kurdischen Flüchtlingsfamilie aus Syrien in der Autonome Region Kurdistan im Irak, die für die Möglichkeit über die Grenze zu kommen Schlepper bezahlt habe (WFP, 4. Februar 2020).

Im Rahmen der Recherche konnten im Zeitraum 2020/2021 mehrere Berichte über Grenzschließungen des Übergangs von Semalka für unterschiedlich lange Zeiträume gefunden werden.

Shafaq News berichtet im Mai 2020, dass der Grenzübergang aufgrund der Coronakrise seit März 2020 geschlossen sei, außer für medizinische Notfälle. Anfang Juni werde es Besucher·innen aus Nordost-Syrien beziehungsweise aus der Autonomen Region Kurdistan im Irak für sechs Tage möglich sein, in ihre Wohngebiete zurückzukehren, so der Artikel weiters (Shafaq News, 28. Mai 2020).

Syriac Press schreibt Anfang Juni 2020, dass nach dreitägiger Öffnung der Grenzübergang bei Semalka für Zivilist·innen wieder geschlossen worden sei (Syriac Press, 2. Juni 2020).

Das Amt der Vereinten Nationen für die Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten (UN OCHA) und die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) berichten im Oktober 2020, dass die lokalen Behörden in Nordost-Syrien Ausnahmen für den Grenzübertritt bei Semalka für unter anderem humanitäre Güter, medizinische Fälle oder Personen mit abgelaufener europäischer Aufenthaltserlaubnis gestatten würden. Abgesehen davon seien Grenzbewegungen allgemein eingeschränkt (OCHA/WHO, 29. Oktober 2020).

Eqtsad, eine arabische Onlinezeitung mit Fokus auf Syrien, schreibt in einem Artikel vom Februar 2021, dass der Grenzübergang von Semalka ohne Angabe von Gründen geschlossen worden sei (Eqtsad, 6. Februar 2021).

Laut Sahfaq News sei der Grenzübergang nach ein paar Tagen wieder geöffnet worden (Shafaq News, 7. Februar 2021).

Rudaw und Kurdistan 24 berichten im Juni 2021, dass der Semalka-Grenzübergang ab 23. Juni 2021 vollständig geschlossen sei. Dies gelte für alle Grenzübertritte, mit Ausnahme der UN und humanitärer Organisationen (Rudaw, 22. Juni 2021; Kurdistan24, 23. Juni 2021).

Am 28. Juni sei der Grenzübergang für neuverheiratete Frauen, Pantient·innen, Händler·innen und Personen mit europäischer Staatsbürgerschaft oder europäischem Aufenthaltstitel wieder geöffnet worden (Rudaw, 26. Juni 2021). Laut North Press Agency sei es Bräuten, humanitären Fällen und Inhaber·innen ausländischer und irakischer Aufenthaltstitel möglich den Grenzübergang zu nutzen (NPA, 28. Juni 2021).

Quellen: (Zugriff auf alle Quellen am 2. September 2021)

·      Enab Baladi: Iraqi Kurdistan’s borders, the Autonomous Administration’s lifeline, and also its death, 8. Juli 2021

·      Eqtsad: Warum ist der Grenzübergang Semalaka zum irakischen Kurdistan geschlossen?
ما أسباب إغلاق معبر "سيمالكا" الحدودي مع إقليم "كردستان العراق"؟], 6. Februar 2021

·      Kurdistan24: Northeast Syria administration closes only border crossing with Kurdistan Region, 23. Juni 2021

·      NPA – North Press Agency: Syria’s Semalka border crossing resumes work, 28. Juni 2021

·      OCHA - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs/WHO – World Health Organization: Syrian Arab Republic: COVID-19 Humanitarian Update No. 20 As of 29 October 2020, 29. Oktober 2020

·      Rudaw: Kurdistan Region-Rojava border crossing to close: Kurdish authorities, 22. Juni 2021

·      Rudaw: Rojava to partially reopen Semalka crossing on Monday, 26. Juni 2021

·      Shafaq News: Border crossing between Kurdistan Region and Syria reopened, 28. Mai 2020

·      Shafaq News: Semalka border-crossing reopened after a few days pause, 7. Februar 2021

·      Syriac Press: Semalka Border Crossing in North and East Syria closes again due to coronavirus, 2. Juni 2020

·      WFP – World Food Programme: One family’s 30-hour walk from Syria into Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, 4. Februar 2020


Anhang: Quellenbeschreibungen und Informationen aus ausgewählten Quellen

Enab Baladi ist eine 2011 in Daraya bei Damaskus gegründete, der Revolution nahestehende und regimekritische syrische Medienorganisation.

·      Enab Baladi: Iraqi Kurdistan’s borders, the Autonomous Administration’s lifeline, and also its death, 8. Juli 2021

„The AANES [Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria] - KRG [Kurdistan Regional Government] shared borders extend over approximately 45 kilometers of the whole Syria-Iraq border strip, 559 kilometers. When Russia vetoed the humanitarian al-Ya’rubiyah border crossing into closure in January 2020, the AANES shifted all trading activities to the Semalka crossing.

Border crossings

Border crossings’ closures by the KRG have been a source of paramount pressure to the AANES, particularly because the latter is facing similar closures inside Syria. []

With the KRG’s crossing being its only commercial vent, the AANES was on 28 June forced to reopen the Semalka crossing a few hours after its administration announced closure.

The Semalka administration expressed it is discontent with the measures imposed by the KRG. The Faysh Khabur administration demanded that the Semalka administration provide them with a form filled with passengers’ personal details, including marital status, names of family members, current and former residence addresses, nationality, religion, tribe, as well as the destination in Iraqi Kurdistan and the name of the host person.

The Semalka administration described the form as a work of intelligence services.

Besides the form, passengers often go through various troubles to reach the Iraqi side of the border.

Traveling patients and spouses are supposed to wait for 48 hours before they are granted an entry permit. However, people have been recently waiting for four days to get the permit.

Other passengers are ‚harassed‘, subjected to interrogation and forced to wait for hours, while wounded, transported to Iraqi Kurdistan for treatment purposes, are treated ‚inhumanly‘ and inappropriately by the intelligence services.

Additionally, emergency medical cases are denied former free access and like the rest of the passengers must fill in personal details forms.

What worsened the AANES’s border mess is that border crossings in the areas held by the Turkey-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) are also closed. This has left the AANES’s area’s residents, patients, and other passengers at the mercy of militias and smugglers controlling informal crossings.

Semalka border crossing

The Semalka border crossing is established on the Syrian northeastern border strip with Iraq, separated from its Iraqi-mirror crossing Faysh Khabur, by the Khabur River, a tributary of the Euphrates River. []

The crossing is located in the Dohuk Governorate in the Kurdistan region, northern Iraq.

The crossing was established in 2012, and its administration established a steel bridge over the Tigris River to facilitate the passage of goods.

The crossing was opened after the Hawler meeting that brought together the People’s Council of Western Kurdistan and the Kurdish National Council (KNC) under the auspices of the leader of Iraqi Kurdistan Massoud Barzani.

The crossing was originally established for trade purposes and the transfer of patients in need of treatment in Iraqi Kurdistan.

The crossing was a passage for thousands of Syrians, who escaped the war and unemployment to Iraqi Kurdistan.

The crossing is also used by civilians wishing to visit relatives in Iraqi Kurdistan, but under a number of conditions, in addition to Europeans or people with residence permits in Europe, merchants and brides.

The US-led coalition uses the crossing to deliver military equipment to Syria, while humanitarian organizations use it to bring in aid.

The Syrian regime accuses the US of shipping Syrian oil through the crossing.“ (Enab Baladi, 8. Juli 2021)

Kurdistan 24 ist ein in der Autonomen Region Kurdistan (Irak) ansässiger Nachrichtensender.

·      Kurdistan24: Northeast Syria administration closes only border crossing with Kurdistan Region, 23. Juni 2021

„The authorities of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria decided on Tuesday to close the Semalka border crossing with the Kurdistan Region, citing ‚technical measures‘ as the reason for its closure. []

The statement added that the closure ‚will not affect the entry and exit of the cadres of humanitarian organizations and their materials,‘ noting that the border ‚will remain open for the entry and exit of staff affiliated with humanitarian organizations.‘

The AANES [Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria] did not specify a date for reopening the crossing and did not indicate the nature of the ‚technical measures.‘

Semalka is the main lifeline for the parts of Syria controlled by the Autonomous Administration due to its importance in the commercial movement between the Kurdistan Region and the parts of northeast Syria known as Rojava.

The Kurdistan Region is an important destination for many Rojava citizens, especially for medical treatment and humanitarian relief.

Semalka was temporarily closed at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.“ (Kurdistan24, 23. Juni 2021)

North Press Agency ist eine syrische Nachrichtenagentur.

·      NPA – North Press Agency: Syria’s Semalka border crossing resumes work, 28. Juni 2021

„On Monday, the administration of the Semalka border crossing in the far northeast of Syria, with Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG), resumed work, and the travelers’ move and arrivals returned to its usual case.

Sherzad Othman, spokesman of the crossing, said they have resumed work according to the new system imposed by the administration of Faysh Khabur on the side of KRG [Kurdistan Regional Government].

‚The crossing is open to brides, humanitarian cases, and holders of foreign and Iraqi residencies,‘ Othman told North press.

On June 23, Semalka crossing’s administration decided to close the crossing for travellers move and open it to only UN agencies and humanitarian organizations.

The administration attributed the decision to close the crossing to new measures imposed by KRG government on travellers move.

On June 26, The official at crossings’ management of northeast Syria, Rodi Muhammad Amin, said the crossing will resume its work on Monday as it was before the closure.

As for patients and marriage cases, they have to visit the Directorate of Entry Visas in Qamishli for their travel procedures, according to the crossings’ management.“ (NPA, 28. Juni 2021)

Das UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) ist das Amt der Vereinten Nationen für die Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten.

Die World Health Organization (WHO) ist die Weltgesundheitsorganisation.

·      OCHA - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs/WHO – World Health Organization: Syrian Arab Republic: COVID-19 Humanitarian Update No. 20 As of 29 October 2020, 29. Oktober 2020

„In NES [Northeast Syria] local authorities continue to provide exemptions for humanitarian goods and personnel at the Fishkabour/Semalka informal border crossing, and in other limited cases, including urgent medical cases to cross to Iraq, however other movements generally remain restricted. In addition, on 8 September, local authorities announced individuals holding expired European residency permits can cross to Iraq to undertake renewal processes once per week. All border crossing points remain closed as a precautionary measure. Humanitarian personnel and medical cases are reportedly exempt.“ (OCHA/WHO, 29. Oktober 2020)

Rudaw ist ein in der Autonomen Region Kurdistan (Irak) ansässiges kurdisches Mediennetzwerk.

·      Rudaw: Kurdistan Region-Rojava border crossing to close: Kurdish authorities, 22. Juni 2021

„The NES [Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria] -controlled Semalka border crossing administration, in a statement on their Facebook page late on Monday, said that the crossing will be ‚completely closed tomorrow to all incoming and outgoing travellers as well as all humanitarian organizations and journalists.‘

It is unclear how long the closure will last.

In a statement late on Tuesday, authorities from the Semalka crossing said the closure will not affected the UN or humanitarian organisations.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) controls the other side of the crossing, Fishkhabur.

The Semalka administration claimed that Fishkhabur officials have asked travellers to fill out a form containing all information about them.

‚This is a pure intelligence form,‘ it said in the Monday statement.

It also complained that emergency cases, such as people seeking medical treatment, will have to wait for two days to receive entry permission from the KRG. []

The border between the two sides was closed by the KRG due to political rifts with the ruling Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Rojava, but it was permanently opened in 2016 in order to allow humanitarian goods, medicine, and food to cross the border.

Following that, the border crossing has been intermittently closed and opened due to Turkish shelling and then the coronavirus pandemic.“ (Rudaw, 22. Juni 2021)

·      Rudaw: Rojava to partially reopen Semalka crossing on Monday, 26. Juni 2021

„Rojava authorities announced Saturday they will reopen the Semalka-Fishkhabur border with the Kurdistan Region for select groups of people on Monday, several days after it was closed due to disputes with Erbil.

The administration of the Semalka crossing said the border will be open to newly-married women who need to do paperwork, patients, merchants, and people with European citizenship or residency.“ (Rudaw, 26. Juni 2021)

Shafaq News ist eine kurdische Nachrichtenwebseite.

·      Shafaq News: Border crossing between Kurdistan Region and Syria reopened, 28. Mai 2020

„The administration of Semalka Border Crossing announced that the people of northern and eastern Syria who are in Kurdistan Region will be allowed to return to their areas from next Saturday.

The decision came after the crossing traffic was completely halted from and to the regions of northeastern Syria, on the 14th of last March, with the exception of the ambulatory cases that must be crossed to Kurdistan Region.

The administration of Semalka Border Crossing between ‚Rojava‘ and Kurdistan Region issued a statement specifying a period of 6 days to allow the people of northern and eastern Syria who entered the region for visit to return to their areas.

According to the statement, the crossing will be reopened for the return of the people from May 30 to June 4.

The administration of Semalka crossing decided to stop the transit traffic to and from the areas of northern and eastern Syria through Semalka crossing, as part of measures to prevent the emergence and spread of Corona virus in the region.“ (Shafaq News, 28. Mai 2020)

·      Shafaq News: Semalka border-crossing reopened after a few days pause, 7. Februar 2021

„The administration of ‚Semalka‘ border-crossing between the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration in northern and eastern Syria and Kurdistan region announced passenger traffic resumption, starting tomorrow, Monday, after a temporary closure that lasted for a few days.“ (Shafaq News, 7. Februar 2021)

Syriac Press ist eine syrische Nachrichtenagentur.

·      Syriac Press: Semalka Border Crossing in North and East Syria closes again due to coronavirus, 2. Juni 2020

„After being open for only three days, the Semalka Border Crossing North and East Syria and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) is once again closed as cases of the coronavirus in northern Iraq continue to climb. The latest closure only applies to civilian traffic, commercial movement across the border will continue. […]

The Semalka Border Crossing remained closed for approximately three months due to coronavirus preventive measures. On 30 May, the border had been reopened.“ (Syriac Press, 2. Juni 2020)

Das World Food Programme (WFP) ist das Welternährungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen.

·      WFP – World Food Programme: One family’s 30-hour walk from Syria into Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, 4. Februar 2020

„It turns out that Ayesha and Ahmed's family paid smugglers to cross the border. Hearing this I, too, am relieved that their 30-hour journey ended here. ‚I want to work now,‘ Ahmed tells us, ‚but we are waiting for our permits and residency.‘“ (WFP, 4. Februar 2020)