Anfragebeantwortung zum Irak: Aktuelle Sicherheitslage in den Provinzen Bagdad und Kerbala [a-11553-1]

  1. April 2021

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Kurzbeschreibungen zu den in dieser Anfragebeantwortung verwendeten Quellen sowie Ausschnitte mit Informationen aus diesen Quellen finden Sie im Anhang.

Aktuelle Sicherheitslage in Bagdad

Auf der Website des Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) der University of Sussex lässt sich ein Datensatz der von ACLED aufgezeichneten sicherheitsrelevanten Vorfälle im gesamten Irak einsehen, der kontinuierlich aktualisiert wird. Die registrierten sicherheitsrelevanten Vorfälle basieren auf den Berichterstattungen verschiedener Nachrichtenquellen. Der Datensatz für die letzten sechs Monate (Anfang Oktober 2020 bis Ende März 2021), zeigt insgesamt 285 sicherheitsrelevante Vorfälle (Kämpfe, Explosionen, Proteste, Unruhen, strategische Entwicklungen und Gewalt gegen ZivilistInnen) in Bagdad, inklusive Vororte. 75 der Vorfälle werden von ACLED als strategische Entwicklungen bezeichnet (dazu zählt ACLED Polizei- und Militäreinsätze sowie Verhaftungen). Bei 93 der Vorfälle habe es sich um Proteste gehandelt (sowohl friedliche als auch gewalttätige). Bei weiteren 90 Vorfällen habe es sich um Kämpfe oder Explosionen gehandelt, wobei bei 43 dieser Vorfälle (alle davon von oft unbekannten bewaffneten Gruppierungen verursachte Explosionen) ZivilistInnen betroffen gewesen seien. 27 der Vorfälle seit Oktober 2020 registriert ACLED spezifisch als Gewalt gegen ZivilistInnen. In zwei Fällen sei die irakische Polizei bzw. das irakische Militär verantwortlich gewesen und zwei Mal Akteure der Gruppe Islamischer Staat (IS). Die restlichen Vorfälle seien durch unbekannte bewaffnete Gruppierungen verursacht worden, die von Schusswaffen Gebrauch gemacht hätten. (ACLED, 8. April 2021)

Joel Wing dokumentiert auf seinem Blog Musings on Iraq die wöchentliche und monatliche Anzahl von Anschlägen durch den Islamischen Staat (IS) und pro-iranische Gruppierungen in den verschieden irakischen Provinzen. Im November 2020 habe es fünf Anschläge des IS in Bagdad gegeben. Zwei der Angriffe hätten sich im Süden und drei im Norden der Stadt ereignet. Wing analysiert, dass der IS es aufgegeben habe, die Hauptstadt selbst zu infiltrieren und nun kleinere Anschläge in der Peripherie durchführe. (Wing, 3. Dezember 2020)

Auch im Dezember habe es fünf Angriffe durch den IS in Bagdad gegeben. Diese hätten nördlich der Hauptstadt stattgefunden. Weitere zwei Sicherheitsvorfälle seien von Pro-iranischen Gruppen durchgeführt worden. Insgesamt seien in Bagdad im Dezember zwei Personen bei sicherheitsrelevanten Vorfällen getötet und sieben verletzt worden. (Wing, 4. Jänner 2021)

Im Jänner habe es laut Wing 14 Vorfälle in Bagdad gegeben (für zehn sei der IS verantwortlich gewesen und für vier, pro-iranischen Gruppen). Ein Doppelanschlag in Bagdad habe zum Tod von 32 Menschen sowie 110 Verletzten geführt. Der Anschlag sei der größte in Bagdad in drei Jahren gewesen. (Wing, 4. Februar 2021)

Das deutsche Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge beschreibt den Doppelanschlag vom 21. Jänner wie folgt:

„Anschläge in Bagdad

Am 21.01.21 kam es in Bagdad auf dem Tayaran-Platz auf einem Markt, auf dem v.a. gebrauchte Kleidung gehandelt wird, zu einem Doppelanschlag. Der erste Attentäter täuschte einen Krankheitsanfall vor und zündete einen Sprengstoffgürtel, als Umstehende ihm helfen wollten; kurz darauf zündete ein zweiter Attentäter ebenfalls einen Sprengstoffgürtel, nachdem freiwillige Helfer die Verwundeten versorgen wollten. Insgesamt kam es zu 32 Toten und einer hohen Zahl an Verletzten. Der IS übernahm die Verantwortung für diesen Anschlag, den ersten dieser Art in Bagdad seit fast drei Jahren.

In der Nacht vom 22.01.21 auf den 23.01.21 kam es zudem zu einem Angriff auf den Flughafen von Bagdad. Drei Katjuscha-Raketen wurden abgefeuert, richteten aber nur geringen Sachschaden an. Verletzt wurde niemand.“ (BAMF, 25. Jänner 2021, S. 3)

Im Februar habe es laut Wing zwei Anschläge durch den IS in Bagdad gegeben, beide im Norden der Stadt. Es seien vier Personen ums Leben gekommen und drei verletzt worden. Wing stellt weiters fest, dass die Raketenangriffe auf das Verwaltungsviertel der Stadt (Green Zone) zugenommen hätten. (Wing, 2. März 2021)

Im März habe es acht Anschläge durch den IS gegeben. Dazu hätten ein Schusswechsel, eine Motorradbombe und ein Bombenanschlag auf das Haus eines Scheichs gehört. Eine Vorstadt im Norden Bagdads, Tarmiya, sei das Hauptziel gewesen, da der IS in dieser Stadt immer noch aktiv sei. (Wing, 5. April 2021)


EPIC zeichnet Sicherheitsvorfälle im Land in seinem wöchentlichen Irak Security and Humanitarian Monitor auf. Diese Anfragebeantwortung konzentriert sich bei der Durchsicht von EPIC insbesondere auf Angriffe auf Zivilisten in der Hauptstadt seit November 2020. Angriffe auf AktivistInnen, PolitikerInnen und Sicherheitspersonal wurde nicht in die Anfragebeantwortung inkludiert. Viele der Anschläge, die im Zuge der Recherche gefunden wurden, richteten sich gegen Alkoholgeschäfte. Im genannten Zeitraum wurden von 35 Anschläge auf Alkoholgeschäfte dokumentiert, die auch zivile Opfer zur Folge hatten. (EPIC, 5. November 2020; EPIC, 12. November 2020; EPIC, 19. November 2020; EPIC, 3. Dezember 2020; EPIC, 17. Dezember 2020; EPIC, 24. Dezember 2020; EPIC, 14. Jänner 2021; EPIC, 21. Jänner 2021; EPIC, 28. Jänner 2021; EPIC, 4. Februar 2021; EPIC, 11. Februar 2021; EPIC, 25. Februar 2021)

Weitere Anschläge in Bagdad inkludieren eine Explosion, bei der ein Zivilist verletzt worden sei, am 8. November (EPIC, 12. November 2020), eine Explosion in einem privaten Garten sowie die Tötung eines Autofahrers durch eine Explosion am 15. November (EPIC, 19. November 2020).

Am 17. November sei eine Rakete, die für die Grüne Zone bestimmt gewesen sei, im al-Zawra Park explodiert und habe eine Frau getötet und fünf ZivilistInnen verletzt. Eine weitere dieser Raketen sei in der Medical City gelandet. (EPIC, 19. November 2020)

Am 26. November hätten Angehörige der Miliz Rab’a Allah ein Spa im Bezirk Karrada attackiert. Zwei Angestellte seien geschlagen worden und das Gebäude in Brand gesetzt worden. Am 3. Dezember habe ein Anschlag auf einen Nachtklub stattgefunden. (EPIC, 3. Dezember 2020)

Am 5. Dezember habe eine Explosion einen Autofahrer getötet. (EPIC, 10. Dezember 2020)

Am 12. Dezember sei ein Kind bei einem Anschlag auf eine Lehreinrichtung der Sicherheitskräfte verletzt worden. (EPIC, 17. Dezember 2020)

Am 4. Jänner habe eine Explosion drei Kinder verletzt (EPIC, 7. Jänner 2021).

Am 21. Jänner habe es den oben beschriebenen Doppelanschlag auf einem Markt im Zentrum Bagdads gegeben (EPIC, 21. Jänner 2021).

Am 23. Jänner habe eine Rakete, die für den Flughafen bestimmt gewesen sei, das Haus von Zivilisten getroffen (EPIC, 28. Jänner 2021).

Anfang Februar habe es eine Explosion vor einem Massagesalon im Bezirk Karrada gegeben (EPIC, 4. Februar 2021).

Am 9. Februar habe es eine Explosion auf der al-Binook Brücke gegeben. (EPIC, 11. Februar 2021)

Zwischen 25. Februar und 2. März sei ein Zivilist von bewaffneten Männern im Bezirk Binook erschossen worden, es habe eine Explosion im Bezirk Yusufiya gegeben und eine Granate habe ein Wohngebäude auf der Palästina-Straße beschädigt. (EPIC, 4. März 2021)

Am 7. März habe es zwei Explosionen vor privaten Häusern in den Bezirken Sadr City und al-Zafaraniyah gegeben. Am 8. März habe eine Handgranate eine Pilgerin auf der A’imma-Brücke getötet und sieben weitere PilgerInnen verletzt. (EPIC, 11. März 2021)

Am 24. März hätten bewaffnete Männer einen Zivilisten im Bezirk al-Shaab erschossen. (EPIC, 25. März 2021)

Aktuelle Sicherheitslage in Kerbala

Der Datensatz von ACLED zeigt, dass es in den letzten sechs Monaten (Anfang Oktober 2020 bis Ende Mai 2021) insgesamt 23 sicherheitsrelevante Vorfälle in Kerbala gegeben habe. 21 der 23 Vorfälle seien Demonstrationen gewesen, 16 davon friedlich und fünf mit Ausschreitungen. Von den restlichen zwei Vorfällen, sei einer eine strategische Entwicklung gewesen und der andere ein Angriff gegen einen Zivilisten oder eine Zivilistin. In der Woche vom 7. Februar hätten Unbekannte einen Aktivisten oder eine Aktivistin entführt und gefoltert. (ACLED, 8. April 2021)


Joel Wings Blog Musings on Iraq und der Iraq Security and Humanitarian Monitor von EPIC wurden nach sicherheitsrelevanten Vorfällen in Kerbala durchsucht und es wurden dort mit Ausnahme von Demonstrationen keine Vorfälle in der Stadt genannt.


Quellen: (Zugriff auf alle Quellen am 23. April 2021)

·      ACLED - Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project: Datensatz heruntergeladen am 8. April 2021

·      BAMF – Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (Deutschland): Briefing Notes, 25. Jänner 2021

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: OCTOBER 29 – NOVEMBER 5, 2020, 5. November 2020

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: NOVEMBER 5 – NOVEMBER 12, 2020, 12. November 2020

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: NOVEMBER 12 – NOVEMBER 19, 2020, 19. November 2020

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: NOVEMBER 19 – DECEMBER 3, 2020, 3. Dezember 2020

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: DECEMBER 3 – DECEMBER 10, 2020, 10. Dezember 2020

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: DECEMBER 10 – DECEMBER 17, 2020, 17. Dezember 2020

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: DECEMBER 17 – DECEMBER 24, 2020, 24. Dezember 2020

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: DECEMBER 24, 2020 – JANUARY 7, 2021, 7. Jänner 2021

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: JANUARY 7 – JANUARY 14, 2021, 14. Jänner 2021

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: JANUARY 14 – JANUARY 21, 2021, 21. Jänner 2021

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: JANUARY 21 – JANUARY 28, 2021, 28. Jänner 2021

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: JANUARY 28 – FEBRUARY 4, 2021, 4. Februar 2021

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: FEBRUARY 4 – FEBRUARY 11, 2021, 11. Februar 2021

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: FEBRUARY 11 – FEBRUARY 25, 2021, 25. Februar 2021

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: FEBRUARY 25 – MARCH 4, 2021, 4. März 2021

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: MARCH 4 – MARCH 11, 2021, 11. März 2021

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: MARCH 18 – MARCH 25, 2021, 25. März 2021

·      Wing, Joel – Musings on Iraq: Security In Iraq November 2020, 3. Dezember 2020

·      Wing, Joel – Musings on Iraq: Islamic State Attacks Decline In December 2020, 4. Jänner 2021

·      Wing, Joel – Musings on Iraq: Violence Continues To Decline In Iraq Winter 2020-21, 4. Februar 2021

·      Wing, Joel – Musings on Iraq: Security In Iraq, Feb 22-28, 2021, 2. März 2021

·      Wing, Joel – Musings on Iraq: Violence In Iraq, March 2021, 5. April 2021


Anhang: Quellenbeschreibungen und Informationen aus ausgewählten Quellen

EPIC (Enabling Peace in Iraq Center) ist eine von Veteranen des Golfkrieges gegründete US-amerikanische NGO, die humanitäre Projekte im Irak unterstützt und unter anderem den wöchentlichen Iraq Security and Humanitarian Monitor veröffentlicht.

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: OCTOBER 29 – NOVEMBER 5, 2020, 5. November 2020

„On October 31, unknown militants targeted a liquor store in Baghdad’s Karrada district with a homemade IED, wounding one civilian and causing damage to a nearby Emirates Airlines office. On November 2, a security source reported that a “sound bomb” exploded targeting a second liquor store in al-Ghadeer, in eastern Baghdad. The explosion caused material damage but no casualties.“ (EPIC, 5. November 2020)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: NOVEMBER 5 – NOVEMBER 12, 2020, 12. November 2020

„On November 8, an explosion (possible IED) injured a civilian in the Sha’ab area, northeastern Baghdad.

On November 8, four ISIS militants attacked a tribal PMF outpost in Radwaniyah, southwest of Baghdad. A security source reported that the attack killed eleven people, including six civilians who attempted to assist the PMF fighters with personal weapons, though casualty figures vary by source. The Security Media Cell reported four killed and three wounded, while the Baghdad Operations Command reported six killed and three wounded. On November 11, Baghdad Operations commander Lieutenant General Qais al-Mohammadawi promised to pursue those responsible for the attack and urged higher authorities to consider providing better armaments to the tribal PMFfighters […]

On November 11, unidentified assailants attacked a liquor store in the al-Adel neighborhood of Baghdad with a grenade. The attack did not cause any casualties.“ (EPIC, 12. November 2020)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: NOVEMBER 12 – NOVEMBER 19, 2020, 19. November 2020

„On November 14, a “homemade explosive device” targeted an alcohol store in central Baghdad’s Bab al-Muadham district. The explosion caused a fire but no injuries. This is the sixth attack targeting liquor stores in Baghdad this report has tracked in the last 30 days. […]

On November 15, a UVIED killed the driver of a civilian vehicle in al-Madaen district southeast of Baghdad. A “sound bomb” also exploded in the garden of a private home in the nearby Jisr Diyala area, also southeast of Baghdad, causing “material damage” but no casualties.

On November 17, unknown militants launched seven 122mm Grad rockets from the al-Alif Dar district of eastern Baghdad, targeting the Green Zone. Of these seven rockets, four landed in the Green Zone, injuring two members of the Iraqi Security Forces. Another rocket hit al-Zawra Park, a popular park outside the Green Zone, killing an eighteen-year-old woman and wounding five civilians. One rocket landed in Medical City and caused no casualties, while the seventh rocket exploded in the air. The attackers burned the launcher following the attack. A Shia extremist telegram channel announced that “Islamic resistance” faction Ashab al-Kahf claimed responsibility for the attack, calling it a retaliation for the arrest of three “mujahideen” in Fallujah on November 16. The U.S. embassy used its Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (CRAM) system against the attack, but it is unclear if it successfully intercepted any of the rockets.“ (EPIC, 19. November 2020)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: NOVEMBER 19 – DECEMBER 3, 2020, 3. Dezember 2020

„On November 26, an IED exploded against a liquor store in Baghdad’s Karrada district. The explosion damaged several nearby storefronts but did not cause any human casualties. Later that day, a group of people allegedly from Rab’a Allah attacked a spa in the Karrada district. The group reportedly beat two of the spa’s female employees before ransacking the spa and setting the building on fire. On November 30, an IED exploded against a liquor store in the Baghdad al-Jadeeda district. The explosion damaged the store but did not cause any human casualties. On December 3, an IED exploded against a nightclub in central Baghdad. The explosion damaged the building’s façade, but did not cause any casualties.“ (EPIC, 3. Dezember 2020)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: DECEMBER 3 – DECEMBER 10, 2020, 10. Dezember 2020

„On December 5, a security source said a roadside IED exploded against a civilian vehicle in Yusufiyah, south of Baghdad. The explosion killed the vehicle’s driver.“ (EPIC, 10. Dezember 2020)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: DECEMBER 10 – DECEMBER 17, 2020, 17. Dezember 2020

„On December 12, a security source said a small homemade explosive detonated near a training school for the Quick Reaction Force adjacent to the perimeter of Baghdad Airport. The explosion wounded a child who lives in a residence adjacent to the airport. Other reports indicated the explosion was caused by a mortar round.[…]

On December 15, the Security Media Cell reported that at least four explosions struck different parts of Baghdad, most of which targeted liquor stores. Three IEDs exploded near liquor stores near Nafaq al-Shorta and Amiriyah in west Baghdad, and near Dora in south Baghdad. A fourth explosive, an under-vehicle IED damaged the car of a private company employee in Hay al-Adil while security forces defused a fifth device. An obscure group calling itself Ahl al-Marouf reportedly threatened to target Baghdad liquor stores on Monday. Militant groups like Rab’ Allah have recently escalated their attacks on liquor stores and nightclubs in the Iraqi capital. The attacks turned deadly later, when gunmen used silenced weapons to assassinate a liquor store owner in Jurf al-Naddaf, southeast of Baghdad, according to security sources. A fifth IED detonated next to a liquor store in Baghdad’s Karrada district in the early morning hours of December 16, leaving only property damages.“ (EPIC, 17. Dezember 2020)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: DECEMBER 17 – DECEMBER 24, 2020, 24. Dezember 2020

„On December 20, security sources said two IEDs exploded in different parts of Baghdad. The first explosion struck a civilian vehicle near Mahmoudiyah, south of the capital, while the other targeted a liquor store in the Alawi area in central Baghdad, and killed a street cleaning employee of Baghdad municipality.“ (EPIC, 24. Dezember 2020)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: DECEMBER 24, 2020 – JANUARY 7, 2021, 7. Jänner 2021

„To the north, another old landmine from the 1980s exploded on January 4 in Diyala’s Mandili subdistrict, near the Iranian border, killing a local sheepherder. Near Baghdad, security sources said the explosion of a “foreign object” wounded three children in the Iwayreej area, south of the capital.“ (EPIC, 7. Jänner 2021)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: JANUARY 7 – JANUARY 14, 2021, 14. Jänner 2021

„On January 11, an IED exploded outside of a liquor store in the Karrada area in central Baghdad, causing only material damage. A second IED detonated near another liquor store in the Bab al-Moadham district of Baghdad, wounding one civilian. On January 12, another IED targeted a liquor store on al-Nidhal street, killing one worker and wounding another, while an under-vehicle explosive (UVIED) targeted the store owner’s vehicle. A group calling itself Ahl al-Marouf (People of Virtue) claimed responsibility for two of the bombings, but security sources said they were likely responsible for all three recent attacks. According to al-Hurra, the latest bombings at liquor stores throughout Baghdad raise the number of such incidents to 14 in the last two months.“ (EPIC, 14. Jänner 2021)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: JANUARY 14 – JANUARY 21, 2021, 21. Jänner 2021

„On January 14, a security source reported that an IED exploded and damaged a liquor store in the Camp Sara area of central Baghdad. On the same day, security forces discovered and safely detonated an IED near another liquor store in Tikrit. On January 17, another IED targeted a liquor store in the Bataween area in central Baghdad, injuring a civilian and damaging the shop. The next day, three similar explosions occurred in the Baghdad area. The first occurred near a liquor store near Nafaq al-Shorta, in southwestern Baghdad, without causing casualties. The second, according to a security source, happened near a liquor store in Andalus Square in central Baghdad. The explosion damaged the store but there were no injuries. A third bombing occurred in al-Saydiyah, in southern Baghdad, resulting in one civilian injury and property damages. Militia groups have escalated their attacks on liquor stores in recent weeks, particularly in Baghdad. Last week ISHM counted at least four bombings of this type. […]

On January 21, two suicide bombers successively attacked a crowded market in the Bab al-Sharji area of central Baghdad. Iraq’s Minister of Health said the bombings killed 32 people and injured at least 110 others, of whom 36 remain in hospital. An Iraqi military spokesperson said the first attacker pretended to be sick, attracting nearby civilians, before detonating his bomb. The other bomber then exploded his device among people who gathered to provide aid to those hurt in the first explosion. Suicide attacks are a common tactic of ISIS, and Iraqi commanders think ISIS cells were behind the bombings. As of reporting, no group has claimed responsibility for Thursday’s bombings, which are the first major suicide bombing in Baghdad since June 2019. Prime Minister Kadhimi convened an emergency meeting for his security commanders while authorities intensified security measures in the capital and closed entrances to the Green Zone.“ (EPIC, 21. Jänner 2021)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: JANUARY 21 – JANUARY 28, 2021, 28. Jänner 2021

„On January 23, the Security Media Cell said that three rockets targeted Baghdad’s International Airport. Two rockets landed outside the airport while the third hit a civilian’s house in the al-Jihad neighborhood. The attack caused material damages but no casualties, according to the Iraqi military. A security source said the U.S. air defense system deployed near the airport complex, which houses Iraqi military and International Coalition personnel, responded to the rockets. […]

On January 24, a security source reported that an IED exploded near a liquor store in Baghdad’s al-Adl district, without causing injuries. The next day, an IED exploded near another liquor store in the Mahdia area in Dora. The explosion damaged the building but caused no injuries. No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks so far.“ (EPIC, 28. Jänner 2021)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: JANUARY 28 – FEBRUARY 4, 2021, 4. Februar 2021

„On January 29, an IED exploded near a liquor store in the Adhamiya Corniche in Baghdad, causing only material damage. On February 1, a second IED targeted a liquor store in Basmayah, southeast of Baghdad, without causing casualties. The same day a third IED exploded outside of a massage parlor in the Karrada area of central Baghdad. According to NRT Arabia, a group called Ahl al-Marouf claimed responsibility for the attack. On February 2, a fourth IED detonated near a liquor store in the Yarmouk area of Baghdad. A fifth IED struck another liquor store on al-Nidhal street in Baghdad, damaging the store without injury. The same day, security forces dismantled another IED in Baghdad’s Jordan Square without incident. On February 3, a sixth IED exploded outside of another liquor store in the Diyala Bridge area in southeastern Baghdad, with no casualties. A seventh IED targeted a liquor store in Jurf al-Naddaf in southern Baghdad, causing only material damage. Since January 11, ISHM recorded 12 other attacks on liquor stores in Baghdad, with at least two IEDs claimed by Ahl al-Marouf.“ (EPIC, 4. Februar 2021)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: FEBRUARY 4 – FEBRUARY 11, 2021, 11. Februar 2021

„On February 7, an IED detonated outside of a liquor store in the al-Wahda neighborhood in southern Baghdad. The following day, an IED targeted a second liquor store in the Adhamiya Corniche area in northern Baghdad. Neither attack caused any casualties. According to NRT, a group called Ahl al-Marouf claimed responsibility for the bombing in Adhamiya, and claimed they burned a truck delivering alcohol to the store. […]

On February 9, an IED exploded on al-Binook Bridge in northeastern Baghdad, without causing casualties.“ (EPIC, 11. Februar 2021)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: FEBRUARY 11 – FEBRUARY 25, 2021, 25. Februar 2021

„On February 24, two IEDs exploded near liquor stores in the al-Kam area of central Baghdad. A third IED targeted a liquor store in the Karrada area of Baghdad. A fourth IED detonated outside of a liquor store in the Bismayah area south of Baghdad. Security sources said none of the explosions caused injuries.“ (EPIC, 25. Februar 2021)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: FEBRUARY 25 – MARCH 4, 2021, 4. März 2021

„On February 25, a security source said that gunmen using a silenced weapon killed a civilian in the Binook area of northern Baghdad. […]

On February 26, an IED detonated along al-Adwaniyah road in Yusufiya, south of Baghdad. The explosion did not cause injuries. […]

On March 2, a grenade attack damaged a residential building on Palestine street in eastern Baghdad, without causing casualties.“ (EPIC, 4. März 2021)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: MARCH 4 – MARCH 11, 2021, 11. März 2021

„On March 7, an IED exploded outside the home of a civilian in the Sadr City area of Baghdad. A second IED targeted the home of another civilian in al-Zafaraniyah in southeastern Baghdad. Neither explosion caused any injuries. […]

On March 8, a hand grenade exploded among pilgrims travelling across the A’imma Bridge in northern Baghdad to visit the religious shrine of Imam al-Kadhim. The Security Media Cell said that the attack killed one woman and injured seven others, including three who required emergency surgery.“ (EPIC, 11. März 2021)

·      EPIC – Enabling Peace in Iraq Center: ISHM: MARCH 18 – MARCH 25, 2021, 25. März 2021

„On March 23, a motorcycle borne IED improvised explosive device exploded along al-Qanat street in Baghdad, killing the bomber and injuring his accomplice. A security source said the individuals were planning to attack liquor stores in the area when their motorcycle collided with another vehicle and prematurely detonated the IED.

On March 24, a security source said that unidentified gunmen with silenced weapons assassinated a civilian in the al-Shaab area of Baghdad.“ (EPIC, 25. März 2021)

Joel Wing ist ein US-Amerikanischer Irakanalyst, der auf seinem Blog, Musings on Iraq, historische sowie sicherheitsrelevante Informationen aufarbeitet und teilt.

·      Wing, Joel – Musings on Iraq: Security In Iraq November 2020, 3. Dezember 2020

„In November there were a total of 87 security incidents in Iraq reported in the media. One of those was carried out by a pro-Iran group which fired rockets at Baghdad’s Green Zone on November 17 which resulted in the death of a child and five others being wounded. That left 86 incidents by the Islamic State. That was up from 85 attacks in October, 82 in September, 64 in August, 61 in July and a nadir of 52 in June. This steady rise in violence isn’t the result of a new campaign which are marked by large jumps but rather appears to be the insurgents just picking up the pace of their attacks.

Attacks were spread across Babil (3), Irbil (3), Baghdad (5), Anbar (8), Ninewa (15), Kirkuk (16), Salahaddin (16), and Diyala (20). […]

Security in Baghdad remains largely the same. There were 5 incidents down from 6 in October. Two of the attacks occurred in the south and three in the north all in outer towns. IS has given up on infiltrating into the capital itself and now carries out small attacks on the periphery.“ (Wing, 3. Dezember 2020)

·      Wing, Joel – Musings on Iraq: Islamic State Attacks Decline In December 2020, 4. Jänner 2021

„Baghdad is no longer a priority for IS. Three times in the last two years the militants attempted to infiltrate into the city and ramped up attacks. Since the summer incidents have been in single digits. There were 5 attacks in December the same amount as November. All of them occurred in the outer north of the province where IS still has camps. All except one incident were shootings. […]

Security Incidents in Iraq by Province: Baghdad: Dec 1-7: 2; Dec 8-14: 1 Pro-Iran; Dec 15-21: 1 Pro-Iran; Dec 22-28: 1; Dec 29-31: 2/1 Pro-Iran ; TOTALS: 7/2 Pro-Iran

Casualties In Iraq By Province: Baghdad: Dec 1-7: 5 (1K, 4W); Dec 8-14: -; Dec 15-21: 1 (1W); Dec 22-28: 2 (2W); Dec 29-31: 1 (1K) ; TOTALS: 9 (2K, 7W)“ (Wing, 4. Jänner 2021)

·      Wing, Joel – Musings on Iraq: Violence Continues To Decline In Iraq Winter 2020-21, 4. Februar 2021

„92 peopled died made up of 16 Hashd al-Shaabi, 30 Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) members, and 46 civilians. Another 176 were wounded consisting of 2 Asayesh, 22 ISF, 27 Hashd, and 125 civilians. This was a dramatic increase from January’s casualty count because of a double suicide bombing in Baghdad that left 32 dead and 110 wounded. This was a shock to the country because it had been three years since such a deadly incident had taken place.

Security Incidents in Iraq by Province: Baghdad: Jan 1-7: 2; Jan 8-14: 1 Pro-Iran; Jan 15-21: 5/2 Pro-Iran; Jan 22-28: 2/1 Pro-Iran; Jan 29-31: - ; JAN: 10/4 Pro-Iran

Casualties In Iraq By Province: Baghdad: Jan 1-7: 1 (1K); Jan 8-14: -; Jan 15-21: 144 (33K, 111W); Jan 22-28: -; Jan 29-31: - ; JAN: 145 (34K, 111W) […]

Violence By Province Jan, 2021: Baghdad: 10/4 Pro-Iran Incidents, 34 Killed: 2 ISF, 32 Civilians; 111 Wounded: 1 ISF, 110 Civilians

3 Shootings, 4 IEDs, 3 Rockets, 2 Suicide Bombers, 1 Suicide Bomber Arrested“ (Wing, 4. Februar 2021)


·      Wing, Joel – Musings on Iraq: Security In Iraq, Feb 22-28, 2021, 2. März 2021

„Three convoys carrying supplies for the U.S. were hit with IEDs laid by pro-Iran factions during the week. That happened in Babil, Baghdad and Diwaniya. More importantly rockets were fired at the Green Zone in the capital. That was the third such attack this month. There were a total of 16 attacks by these factions in February the most since September. Front groups take claim for all of these incidents but they are mostly linked to Asaib Ahl Al-Haq and Kataib Hezbollah who appear to be competing to be the head of the resistance groups.

IS attacks were in Anbar (1), Kirkuk (1), Ninewa (1), Baghdad (2), and Diyala (4). […]

The insurgents carried out two attacks in Baghdad including an IED on a tea house and a man shot down. Both were in the north. Almost all the incidents in the governorate are in the north or south where IS maintains cells. […]

Security Incidents in Iraq by Province: Baghdad: Feb 1-7: 1; Feb 8-14: 3/2 Pro-Iran; Feb 15-21: 2/1 Pro-Iran; Feb 22-28: 4/2 Pro-Iran

Casualties In Iraq By Province: Baghdad: Feb 1-7: -; Feb 8-14: -; Feb 15-21: 6 (3K, 3W); Feb 22-28: 1 (1K) “ (Wing, 2. März 2021)


·      Wing, Joel – Musings on Iraq: Violence In Iraq, March 2021, 5. April 2021

„The 59 IS incidents took place across Babil (1), Anbar (3), Ninewa (5), Baghdad (8), Kirkuk (10), Salahaddin (11), Diyala (21). They caused 39 deaths and 44 wounded. 9 Hashd al-Shaabi, 14 members of the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF), and 16 civilians lost their lives. [,,,]

Baghdad, Kirkuk and Salahaddin all saw increases in incidents. In the capital province there were 5 attacks in February up to 8 in March. That included one gun fight, a motorcycle bomb, and a sheikh’s house that was bombed. Tarmiya a town in the north has been a prime target as it still has an IS cell operating there.[…]

Violence by province March, 2021


10/2 Pro-Iran Incidents, 3 Killed: 1 ISF, 2 Civilians; 7 Wounded: 1 ISF, 6 Civilians

4 Shootings, 4 IEDs, 1 Motorcycle Bomb, 1 Grenade“ (Wing, 5. April 2021)