Dokument #1399934
National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Autor), veröffentlicht von Legislationline
Section 125. Pregnancy, Maternal, and Child Care Leave
1. Woman shall be granted pregnancy and maternity leave of 126 days, starting seventy (70) calendar days prior to childbirth and ending fifty-six (56) calendar days after childbirth. In the event of abnormal or multiple births, women shall be granted seventy days leave after childbirth.
2. Women working in industry shall be granted the following pregnancy and maternity leave.
Section 126. Leave for Women Adopting Children
Women who have adopted children under two months of age or who are raising them without adoption shall be entitled to the 56 calendar days of social leave specified for after birth, as well as to additional leave defined in Section 117 and partially-paid leave defined in Section 127 hereof.
Section 127. Right to Partially-Paid Leave and Rules for Exercising It
1. A single parent or another family who is directly caring for a child until it is three years old, shall be eligible for partially-paid social leave in the amount determined by Legislation.
2. An employee caring for a child may use partially paid social leave completely or in part at his discretion.