Information on the rights and obligations of a foreigner residing in Brazil and the circumstances under which resident status is lost [BRA14700]

Please find attached copies of Responses to Information Requests BRA10431 of 4 March 1992 and BRA6984 of 1 October 1990 that discuss the requested subject. In addition, a staff member of the Consulate of Brazil in Montreal stated that an absence of two successive years continues to be grounds for revoking a foreigner's resident status (7 July 1993). However, the source was unsure about other conditions that might be considered by Brazilian immigration authorities as grounds for revoking resident status, including involvement in criminal activities or other serious violations of Brazilian law. The source added that a precise answer on this matter would have to be requested from Brazilian or Canadian authorities in Brazil, or through the Embassy of Brazil in Ottawa or the Embassy of Canada in Brazil. An answer to such a request cannot be expected in time to meet your deadline, although the matter may be pursued by the DIRB upon further request.


Consulate of Brazil, Montreal. 7 July 1993. Telephone Interview with Staff Membmer.


Immigration and Refugee Board Documentation Centre (IRBDC), Ottawa. 4 March 1992. Response to Information Request BRA10431.

. 1 October 1990. Response to Information Request BRA6984.