Information on the treatment of Baptists [ROM10961]

Please find attached Response to Information Request ROM10530 of 20 March 1992 which provides information related to this topic. Further information specific to this topic is not currently available to the IRBDC. However, please note that some sources indicate that provisions related to freedom of religion and/or prohibition of discrimination on the basis of religion are included in the Constitution of Romania adopted on 21 November 1991, the Romanian wage law and the Romanian law on national security (Monitorul Oficial 21 Nov. 1991; U.S. Dept. of Commerce 29 July 1991; 8 Feb. 1991).


Montioral Oficial [Bucharest, in Romanian]. 21 November 1991. "Constitution of Romania." (FBIS-EEU-91-246-S 23 Dec. 1991, p.1-15)

U.S. Department of Commerce - NTIS [Washington]. 29 July 1991. Central & Eastern Europe Legal Texts. "Romanian Law No. 54 on National Security." (NEXIS)

_____. 8 February 1991. Central & Eastern Europe Legal Texts. "Romanian Wage Law." (NEXIS)


Immigration and Refugee Board Documentation Centre (IRBDC), Ottawa. 20 March 1992. Response to Information Request ROM10530.