Information on the current situation for teachers in Kabul [AFG27064.E]

Several 1997 sources report that female teachers are prohibited to teach in schools and universities in Kabul under Taliban rule (AFP 23 Mar. 1997; Reuters 16 Apr. 1997; Rocky Mountain News 10 March 1997). The Rocky Mountain News report states that the Taliban's strict implementation of Islamic laws forbid women from going to work or school (10 March 1997). The same report adds that 60 per cent of Kabul University teaching staff had been women (ibid.). The Reuters report states that anyone disobeying the Taliban authority are subject to "harsh punishment" (16 Apr. 1997). Please consult the attached articles for additional information on the treatment of teachers in Kabul.

Information on the treatment of male teachers could not be found among the sources consulted by the DIRB.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Agence France Presse (AFP). 23 March 1997. "Kabul Schools Open After Winter Recess, for Boys Only." (NEXIS)

Rocky Mountain News [Denver, Col.]. Abdullah Zaheeruddin. "Kabul University Opens Without Women; Once Proud School Feels Pain of Taliban's Strict Brand of Islam that Minimizes Female Roles." (NEXIS)

Reuters. 16 April 1996. BC Cycle. "U.N. Criticizes Taleban Treatment of Afghan Women." (NEXIS)


Agence France Presse (AFP). 23 March 1997. "Kabul Schools Open After Winter Recess, for Boys Only." (NEXIS)

Rocky Mountain News [Denver, Col.]. Abdullah Zaheeruddin. "Kabul University Opens Without Women Once; Proud School Feels Pain of Taliban's Strict Brand of Islam that Minimizes Female Roles." (NEXIS)

Reuters. 16 April 1996. BC Cycle. "U.N. Criticizes Taleban Treatment of Afghan Women." (NEXIS)

Additional Sources Consulted

DIRB Country File. 1997.

DIRB Amnesty File. 1997.

DIRB's Index Media Review. 1997.

Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports.

The Herald [Karachi].

On-line search of news articles on the World Wide Web.