Dokument #1347952
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
The information that follows was provided
by a representative of the Asociacion Campesina Nacional (National
Peasant Association, ACAN) during a 30 July 1998 telephone
ACAN was formed in El Progreso in 1981,
although it only gained legal recognition in 1987. In 1990 it was
joined by a large part of the National Peasant Union (UNC) and
expanded to a nationwide presence. It has headquarters in
Tegucigalpa, and approximately 520 affiliated groups and
organizations throughout the country. ACAN has not ceased its
activities since it was formed. In the period 1990-1992 Santos
Aquileo Alvares held the post of Secretary of Agrarian Conflicts;
the next two years, Hernan Medina held the post, and in 1995 Santos
Aquileo again occupied the position.
The staff at ACAN headquarters was
uncertain of the existence of a place or group called Tres Ceibas,
and was unable to verify its existence or that of a land occupation
in 1995 during the telephone interview.
The only published references to ACAN found
among the sources consulted state that in February 1996 it joined
other labour and peasant organizations in a campaign of roadblocks
to protest and press for various demands before the government
(Tiempo 13 Feb. 1996).
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is
not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any
particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the
list of additional sources consulted in researching this
Information Request.
Asociacion Campesina Nacional (ACAN),
Tegucigalpa. 30 July 1998. Telephone interview with
Tiempo [San Pedro Sula, in
Spanish]. 13 February 1996. "Honduran Protesters Block Highways for
Wage Increases." (FBIS-LAT-96-032 13 Feb. 1996/WNC)
Additional Sources Consulted
Boletin Conadeh [Tegucigalpa].
June 1997-May 1998.
Central America NewsPak
[Austin, Tex.]. 1995-June 1998.
Central America Report
[Guatemala City]. 1995-June 1998.
La Prensa [San Pedro Sula].
1996-June 1998.
Latinamerica Press [Lima].
Weekly. 1995-June 1998.
Latin American Regional
Reports: Central America & the Caribbean
[London]. Monthly. 1995-June 98.
Electronic sources: IRB Databases,
Global NewsBank, NEXIS, Internet, Refworld, WNC.
This list is not exhaustive.
Country-specific books available in the Resource Centre are not