Information regarding the death of British subject Dennis Hill and the kidnapping of Amanda(?) in May 1985. [LBN2754]

Mr. Dennis Hill, a British lecturer at the American University in Beirut, was shot dead on 29 May 1985. [ Keesing's Contemporary Archives, Record of World Events, Volume XXXII, January 1986, p. 34133.] The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for his death in a phone call to a Beirut news agency. [ "Index Index", Index on Censorship, October 1985 (No. 5), p. 66.] A Lebanese female, Florence Raad, the Beirut correspondent of a London-based Arab language daily, was kidnapped in May 1985 by members of the Druze Progressive Socialist Party. [ Ibid.] No other females are mentioned in the two attached reports discussing kidnapping in Beirut in May 1985.

Keesing's Contemporary Archives, Record of World Events, Volume XXXII, January 1986, p. 34133.

"Index Index", Index on Censorship, October 1985 (No. 5), p. 66.