a-5245 (ACC-AZE-5245)
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War Hadschi Mamedow ein hoher Beamter im Innenminsterium? Ist er im Oktober 2005 verhaftet worden?
In einer Meldung des aserbaidschanischen Sicherheitsministeriums und des Generalstaatsanwaltes vom 11. März 2005, die auf der Homepage von UNDP Azerbaijan veröffentlicht ist, wird angegeben, dass am 10. März eine Bande neutralisiert worden sei, die seit 1996 Entführungen, Tötungen und anderen Verbrechen begangen habe. Mehrere Bandenmitglieder sowie der Anführer, der oberste Ermittler im Hauptkriminalamt der aserbaidschanischen Innenministeriums, Leutnant-Oberst Haji Teymur oglu Mammadov (deutsche Schreibweise: Hadschi Tejmur oglu Mamadow) seien verhaftet worden:
„As a result of the successive, purposeful, special and professionally organized operational-investigative actions by the Ministry of National Security and the Office of the Prosecutor General, an organized gang engaged in kidnapping, killing and other worst crimes since 1996, has been neutralized on 10 March 2005.
A number of the gang's members including its leader - chief investigator-in-charge at the Main Criminal Office of the Interior Ministry of Azerbaijan, lieutenant-colonel Haji Teymur oglu Mammadov have been arrested.” (UNDP Azerbaijan, 11. März 2005)
Central Asia - Caucasus Analyst (CA-CA) berichtete am 26. Juli 2006 vom Beginn des Verfahrens gegen Hadschi Mamedow. Mamedow sei der oberste Ermittler der Innenministeriumsabteilung für Kriminaluntersuchungen gewesen und sei im März 2005 verhaftet worden, nachdem er die Ehefrau eines wichtigen Bankers entführt habe. Ihm und seiner Gruppe würde vorgeworfen werden, sieben Jahre lang berühmte aserbaidschanische Unternehmer und Politiker und deren Verwandte entführt und ermordet zu haben. Zu Beginn des Verfahrens habe Mamedow gestanden, im Auftrag des ehemaligen Ministers für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Farhad Aliyev, auch den berühmten Journalisten Elmar Huseynov getötet zu haben. Laut CA-CA bestünden aber Zweifel an der Richtigkeit dieses Geständnisses:
“The long expected trial of former top police officer Haji Mamedov and his criminal gang has finally opened this week and immediately resulted in a sensational statement. Speaking on the first day of the trial, Mamedov stated that his gang assumed responsibility for the murder of famous journalist and editor of Monitor journal Elmar Huseynov last year. Mamedov added that the murder was conducted at the order of former Minister of Economic Development Farhad Aliyev, currently under arrest for the attempt to organize a coup prior the Parliamentary election in November, 2005.
This revelation is very sensational and adds more spice to Mamedov’s trial. He is accused of murdering and kidnapping famous Azerbaijani businessmen and politicians and their relatives for a period of more than seven years, while serving as the chief investigator of the Interior Ministry’s Criminal Investigation Department with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Mamedov was arrested in March 2005 by the special services of the Ministry of National Security after kidnapping the wife of one of the leading bankers in the country.
Elmar Huseynov’s murder brought much negative publicity to Azerbaijan and its authorities ahead of last year’s parliamentary elections. Many analysts blamed the government for Huseynov’s death, as his articles against the ruling elite were often harsh and slanderous. Yet, a closer look at the situation showed that there was little interest on the side of authorities to worsen the already tense political situation in the country prior the critical elections, shedding doubt on the theory of a government-ordered murder.
It is noteworthy that last year, Turkish criminologists were the first to mention the possibility of Haji Mamedov’s role in the murder of the Monitor editor, however not much attention was paid to those reports at the time. Even the official law enforcement bodies of Azerbaijan refuted that view. The investigation by the Ministry of National Security, which was responsible for the arrest of Haji Mamedov, did not provide any evidence of links between the two cases and came to the conclusion that Elmar Huseynov was murdered by two ethnic Azerbaijanis from Georgia, Tahir Khubanov and Teymuraz Aliyev. However, Mamedov did not mention these two individuals as members of his group.
At this moment, Haji Mamedov’s statement leads local analysts in three different directions. First, it is possible that this criminal gang indeed committed the murder and that the investigation by the Ministry of National Security led to the wrong suspects. This scenario is unlikely, because it is difficult to believe that Ministry of National Security did not know about Haji Mamedov’s role in this crime while investigating both cases at the same time.
Second, it is possible that Haji Mamedov mentioned the name of former Minister of Economic Development Farhad Aliyev in order to win favors from the government. Aliyev (no relation to President Ilham Aliyev) has been in detention for ten months already and yet refuses to give testimony and admit that he was guilty of funding opposition parties and preparing a coup d’etat. Farhad Aliyev claims that all these accusations are fabricated against him by his political opponents. Thus, adding Elmar Huseynov’s murder to the case of Farhad Aliyev could put more pressure against the former minister. Aliyev’s lawyer Elton Guliyev agrees with this. "Mamedov's confession was merely words, we need proof. There is a presumption of innocence, and they should prove what Mamedov says. We are convinced that they have no evidence. Their goal is to create pressure on Farhad Aliyev. For the past nine months the prosecution has been unable to find anything illegal about Aliyev's deeds, and now people try to slander Aliyev through such shady methods," Guliyev told reporters.
Finally, it is possible that Haji Mamedov was pressured to take the responsibility for the murder of the editor, since many foreign organizations and local media outlets still accuse the government for concealing or not doing enough to find the murderers and solve the crime.
Time will tell which of these scenarios is right. Yet, doubts remain whether Haji Mamedov is being sincere or not. Meanwhile, the founders of the Elmar Huseynov Foundation decided to urgently hold a meeting to discuss the statement.” (CA-CA, 26. Juli 2006)
Reporter ohne Grenzen erwähnte im August 2006 den Prozess gegen Hadschi Mamedow. Der Zeitpunkt der Verhaftung wird dabei nicht angegeben:
„Die Staatsanwaltschaft der Republik Aserbaidschan hat am Dienstag den ehemaligen Minister für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Farkhad Aliev angeklagt, in den Mord an Journalist Elmar Huseynov vom 2. März 2005 verwickelt gewesen zu sein. Huseynov war Gründer und Chefredakteur der oppositionellen Wochenzeitschrift „Monitor“.
Oberstaatsanwalt Zakir Garalov gab gegenüber den Medien bekannt, dass Beweise gegen Farkhad Aliev gefunden wurden. In einem Adressbuch, das im Büro des ehemaligen Ministers lag, steht die Telefonnummer von Polizeioberst Haji Mamedov, dem mutmaßlichen Mörder des Journalisten Huseynov. Dies wurde vom Anwalt Farkhad Alievs bestätigt; gleichzeitig jedoch gab er bekannt, dass der ehemalige Minister jegliche Beteiligung an dem Mord zurückweist.
Haji Mamedov hatte am 25. Juli 2006 während eines Verhörs zu der Entführung von Familienangehörigen eines Geschäftsmannes überraschend zugegeben, Huseynov auf Geheiß von Farkhad Aliev ermordet zu haben.
„Staatsanwalt und Richter müssen gegenüber diesem späten Geständnis misstrauisch sein“, fordert Reporter ohne Grenzen. „Die Ermittler sollten im Fall Huseynov keine Möglichkeit ausschließen."
Dem Staatsanwalt zufolge hatte Huseynov vor seiner Ermordung eine Reihe von kritischen Artikeln über Farkhad Aliev und das Ölkonsortium Azpetrol, das früher vom Bruder des Ministers Rafiq Aliev geleitet wurde, verfasst. Letzterer soll im Jahr 2003 versucht haben, den kritischen Journalisten zu "kaufen".
Der frühere Minister Farkhad Aliev ist seit Oktober 2005 in Haft. Er war damals von Präsident Ilham Aliev beschuldigt worden, einen versuchten oppositionellen Staatsstreich im Vorfeld der Parlamentswahlen finanziert zu haben.“ (Reporter ohne Grenzen, 9. August 2006)
Heißt der Präsident der internationalen Bank von Aserbaidschan Dschangir Hadschijew? Ist seine Frau entführt worden?
Im Zusammenhang mit der Verhaftung von Hadschi Mamedow berichtet Eurasianet in einer Meldung vom 23. März 2005, dass Mamedow und seiner Gruppe vorgeworfen werde, unter anderem am 10. Februar Samira Hadschijewa (englische Schreibweise: Zamira Hajiyeva), die Ehefrau des Vorsitzenden der International Bank of Azerbaijan, entführt zu haben:
“But a high-profile investigation into a series of kidnappings and murders organized by Azerbaijani police officers may prove a distraction. State prosecutors claim that Interior Ministry Criminal Investigations Head Lieutenant-Colonel Haji Mammadov headed the group, which was allegedly responsible for the 2004 murder of Azerbaijan Football Federations Association Vice President Fatulla Huseinov, the 2002 killing of General Prosecutor’s Department of Serious Crimes Deputy Chairman Royshan Aliyev, and the 2000 death of Azer Ismayilov, head of the Interior Ministry’s drug addiction prevention program, among others. Police made the March 10 arrest of Mammadov and 11 other individuals, including several Interior Ministry employees, following an investigation into the February 10 kidnapping of Zamira Hajiyeva, wife of the chairman of the International Bank of Azerbaijan.” (Eurasianet, 23. März 2005)
Die aserbaidschanische Internetzeitung Today.az berichtete im September 2006 vom Prozess gegen die Gruppe um Hadschi Mammadow, und erwähnte dabei auch die Entführung von Samira Hadschijewa, der Ehefrau von Dschahangir Hadschijew, des Leiters des Managements der International Bank of Azerbaijan:
“Answering the questions on the kidnapping of Zamira Hajiyeva, International Bank of Azerbaijan Managing Staff chief Jahangir Hajiyev's wife, Dabuyev said the operation was discussed a month before.
"I did not prepare for the kidnapping. We only discussed the operation. I was not informed of Jahangir Hajiyev's work. Haji told me that it will be solved in two days. He faced pressures, therefore, he had to do that. But he did not tell me who ordered this kidnapping," the defendant said.” (Today.az, 4. September 2006)
In der oben erwähnten Meldung des aserbaidschanischen Sicherheitsministeriums und des Generalstaatsanwaltes vom 11. März 2005 wird ausführlich über die Entführung von Samira Hadschijewa berichtet:
“In this connection, intensive operational-investigative measures have been undertaking with respect to kidnapping of Zamira Shirali gyzy Hajiyeva, who had been kidnapped February 10 2005 while walking out of the beauty shop "Magic Lady" located on Adil Iskandarov st. in Baku.
As a result of the successive, purposeful, special and professionally organized operational-investigative actions by the Ministry of National Security and the Office of the Prosecutor General, an organized gang engaged in kidnapping, killing and other worst crimes since 1996, has been neutralized on 10 March 2005.
A number of the gang's members including its leader - chief investigator-in-charge at the Main Criminal Office of the Interior Ministry of Azerbaijan, lieutenant-colonel Haji Teymur oglu Mammadov have been arrested.
As a result of the well-prepared and professionally conducted special operation (code name "Black Belt"), kidnapped Zamira Hajiyeva who was kept in the house (Keshla settlement, Khatai district, Baku) of Kuliyeva Nailya Huseyn gyzy, a Haji Mammadov's common-law wife and companion in crimes committed under his leadership, has been freed and returned to her family.” (UNDP Azerbaijan, 11. März 2005)
Diese Informationen beruhen auf einer zeitlich begrenzten Recherche in öffentlich zugänglichen Dokumenten, die ACCORD derzeit zur Verfügung stehen. Diese Antwort stellt keine Meinung zum Inhalt eines bestimmten Ansuchens um Asyl oder anderen internationalen Schutz dar. Wir empfehlen, die verwendeten Materialien zur Gänze durchzusehen.
War Hadschi Mamedow (englische Schreibweise: Haji Mamedov) ein hoher Beamter im Innenminsterium, ist er im Oktober 2005 verhaftet worden?
UNDP Azerbaijan – United Nations Development Programme Azerbaijan: UNDP Azerbaijan Development Bulletin: Special Report of the Ministry of National Security and General Prosecutor's Office the Republic of Azerbaijan, 11. März 2005
http://www.un-az.org/undp/bulnews24/13.php (Zugriff am 17. Jänner 2007)
Heißt der Präsident der internationalen Bank von Aserbaidschan Dschangir Hadschijew, und ist seine Frau entführt worden?
UNDP Azerbaijan – United Nations Development Programme Azerbaijan: UNDP Azerbaijan Development Bulletin: Special Report of the Ministry of National Security and General Prosecutor's Office the Republic of Azerbaijan, 11. März 2005
http://www.un-az.org/undp/bulnews24/13.php (Zugriff am 17. Jänner 2007)