Dokument #1327318
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
1) According to information provided to the
IRBDC by the High Commissioner for Guyana in Ottawa, the government
of Guyana does grant loans to students in the form of full or
partial scholarships which cover part or all of their basic
expenses while studying abroad. When a scholarship is awarded, the
student must provide guarantors and sign a contract which commits
him/her to return to Guyana and work for 3-5 years (5 years being
the maximum requirement) in a government, public or, in some cases,
private business or institution. If the student does not return to
Guyana or does not work upon his/her return, the guarantors would
be required to pay back to the government the amount granted
through the scholarship. According to the source, payment is not
required if the student returns and works for the time agreed on
the contract.
2) The minimum wage in Guyana, according to
the High Commissioner for Guyana in Ottawa, was G$27 a day before a
general salary increase in August 1989. Information on the minimum
salary after the August increase could not be found among the
sources currently available to the IRBDC. On April 1989 the
Guyanese government raised salaries by 20 percent [ Caribbean
Report, (London, Latin American Newsletters), June 1989, p. 2.]
after a general price increase and a devaluation of the Guyanese
Dollar, from G$10 per US$1 to G$33 per US$1, while the black market
exchange rate reportedly ranged between G$45 and G$55 per US$1. [
Caribbean Report, May 1989, p. 3.]
3) The requested information is not
currently available from the IRBDC.