Information on whether the Dir clan was targeted by the United Somali Congress (USC) in 1992 [SOM22477.E]

Information on this subject could not be found among the sources consulted by the DIRB.

According to The Somali Conflict: Prospects for Peace, by the end of 1992, in Hawiye territories north and south of Mogadishu, possibly as many as 30 military groups claimed control "as the USC had fractured along clan lines" (Oct. 1993, 16). However, this source does not state whether the Dir were targeted by the USC.

For general information about the southern Dir and their political relations with the USC, please consult pages 144-148 of The Price of Peace, which is available at Regional Documentation Centres.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Bradbury, Mark. October 1993. The Somali Conflict: Prospects for Peace. Oxford: Oxfam UK and Ireland.

Sources Consulted

Africa Confidential. 1992.

Africa Research Bulletin. 1992.

DIRB Somalia Country File. 1992.

Indexed Media Review (IMR). 1992.

The Price of Peace: Somalia and the United Nations 1991-1994.

Somalia: Beyond the Warlords: The Need for a Verdict on Human Rights Abuses. March 1993. Africa Watch.

Somalia: A Fight to the Death. February 1992. Africa Watch.

Somalia: No Mercy in Mogadishu. March 1992. Africa Watch.

USAID Situation Reports: Somalia. 1992.

On-line searches of media articles (NEXIS).