Dokument #1317630
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
According to The Sri Lanka Monitor,
most members of the EPRLF (Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation
Front) who ruled the North-East province since the November 1988
elections and fled Sri Lanka when the Indian troops withdrew in
March 1990, have sided with the Sri Lankan military as "Talayati"
(informers who identify LTTE suspects) in November 1990 (The Sri
Lanka Monitor November 1990).
However, The Hindu issue of 15 December 1990 reports that
the EPRLF "has resolutely kept away from collaborating with the
government" (The Hindu 15 December 1990).
In fact, the EPRLF was not mentioned in a December 1990 FBIS
report describing the Tamil groups that joined the Sri Lankan army
in its war against the LTTE (FBIS-NES-90-243 18 December 1990).
The Sri Lanka Monitor. British
Refugee Council. November 1990. "Waiting in the Shadows".
The Hindu. 15 December 1990.
"Colombo Arming Non-LTTE Groups to Fight LTTE".
FBIS-NES-90-243. 18 December 1990.
"Minister Gives Briefing on Security Situation", Colombo
International Service [Colombo, 14 December 1990].