For questions 1 and 4, please find attached copies of the pages
171-175 of
Revolutionary and Dissident Movements,
(London:Longman, 1988), and "Les principales organisations
politiques", in
L'Etat des Conflits dans le Monde, (Paris:
Le Monde, 1988), pp. 120 and 121, which provide information on
Kurdish rebel groups of Iraq. They all operate in the Kurdish
regions of the country, which border Turkey, Syria and Iran. In
addition to the information provided by the abovementioned
publication, the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran - Revolutionary
(a result of a recent internal division within the Kurdistan
Democratic Party of Iran) and the Komala, both Kurdish rebel groups
operating in Iran, are reported to have bases and social support in
Iraqi territory, but their leaders deny receiving support from
Iraq. ["Les perdants de la paix irano-irakienne", in
L'Etat des
Conflits dans le Monde, (Paris: Le Monde, 1988), p. 123.]
Regarding questions 2 and 3, no precise information on the areas
controlled by Kurdish rebels in Iraq, between April and November
1988, could be found among the sources presently available to the
IRBDC. However, a number of military victories by Iraqi Kurdish
rebels were reported during 1987 and 1988, including the capture of
towns and the weakening of Iraqi armed forces in the region known
as Kurdistan. [
Keesing's Record of World Events, (London,
Longman Publishing Group), pp. 35862- 35863.] Nevertheless, some
rebel positions were reportedly overrun by Iraqi forces in February
and March of 1988. [ "Too close to home for comfort", in
Middle East magazine, February 1989, p. 20.] The Kurdish rebels
were reportedly backed by Iranian Revolutionary Guards. [
Ibid.] In March 1988, the Iraqi Air Force retaliated against
the Revolutionary Guards who had captured the town of Halabja, by
bombing with chemical weapons which affected thousands of civilian
Kurds. [
Ibid, p. 35863.]
A month before the August 1988 cease-fire agreement between Iraq
and Iran, Iraq was able to concentrate its armed forces against the
Kurdish rebel groups. [ "Des armes chimiques utilisees contre les
Kurdes d'Irak", in
L'Etat des Conflits dans le Monde, p.
122.] On August 5, Iraq used twelve armoured brigades and eighteen
light infantry battalions supported by artillery and aircraft for
an attack on Shirwan and Sidakan. ["Too close to home for comfort",
p. 20.] Before the major Iraqi offensive on the area, the Iranian
forces had retreated from their positions inside Iraq, including
the town of Halabja, reportedly without notifying the Kurdish
rebels, leaving strategic positions open for the Iraqi army.
After the Iran-Iraq cease-fire agreement
went into effect, Iraq sent the Seventh Army Corps and the
Presidential Guard Corps into the area to strengthen the First and
Fifth Corps which were already deployed in the region. [
Ibid.] The following offensive resulted in the flight of
thousands of Kurds into Turkey, and a substantial decrease in rebel
activities in the Iraqi Kurdistan. [ Ibid, pp. 21-22.]
For more information on the Iraqi army, please find attached a copy
of the section on Defense of Iraq, pages 976 and 977 of The
Encyclopedia of the Third World, (New York: Facts on File, Second
Edition, 1987). In addition to this information, the Latin American
Newsletters Special Reports on "The Latin American arms
trade" (London, 1984), p. 5, reports that Brazil has become an
important supplier of weapons for Iraq. No specific information on
units stationed around Darbandy Khan (as requested) could be found
among the available sources.
Please find attached a copy of the map of northern Iraq found in
The Times World Atlas, (London: The Times, Seventh Edition),
plate 34.