Dokument #1315384
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
For information on the situation of Iraqis
since the 2 August 1990 to 26 February 1991 Iraqi occupation of
Kuwait, please consult Country Reports, Amnesty International
Report and Human Rights Watch World Report for 1990 to 1995, as
well as the following Amnesty International (AI) publications:
Kuwait: Cases of "Disappearances," Incommunicado Detention, Torture
and Extrajudicial Execution Under Martial Law of October 1992,
Kuwait: Three Years of Unfair Trials of February 1994, and Kuwait:
Five Years of Impunity: Human Rights Concerns Since the Withdrawal
of Iraqi Forces of February 1996. All of these publications,
available at Regional Documentation Centres, provide information on
the situation of Iraqis living in Kuwait who were charged with
collaborating with the Iraqi occupying forces and punished, who
were tortured and deported from Kuwait.
Middle East Watch's A Victory Turned Sour:
Human Rights in Kuwait Since Liberation of September 1991, and the
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (LCHR) publications, Kuwait:
Building the Rule of Law: Human Rights in Kuwait After Occupation
of 1992, and Laying the Foundations: Human Rights in Kuwait:
Obstacles and Opportunities of April 1993, available only in the
National Documentation Centre, also provide information on these
The attached 2 December 1994 Middle East
International article outlines some of the problems faced by the
20,000 Iraqis living in Kuwait.
Information since January 1996 on the
situation of Iraqis in Kuwait, other than that provided in the
above-mentioned sources, could not be found among the sources
consulted by the DIRB.
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does
not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular
claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of
additional sources consulted in researching this Information
Middle East International [London]. 2
December 1994. No. 489. Andrew North. "Caught Between Two Stools,"
p. 13.
Amnesty International (AI). October
1992. Kuwait: Cases of "Disappearances," Incommunicado Detention,
Torture and Extrajudicial Execution Under Martial Law.
_____. February 1994. Kuwait: 3 Years of
Unfair Trials.
_____. February 1996. Kuwait: 5 Years of
Impunity: Human Rights Concerns Since the Withdrawal of Iraqi
Arab Studies Quarterly [Belmont, Mass.].
Quarterly. 1993 to present.
Arab Monitor [Washington, DC]. Monthly.
November 1992 to August 1993.
Commentary: A Canadian Security
Intelligence Service Publication [Ottawa]. Monthly. January 1995 to
February 1996.
Country Reports on Human Rights
Practices for 1995. 1996.
DIRB. "Amnesty International: Kuwait"
country file. June 1991 to present.
_____. "Kuwait" country file. June 1991
to present.
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
(FBIS) Daily Reports. March to June 1996.
FBIS CD-ROM. 1991 to present.
Foreign Report [Surrey]. Weekly. January
1995 to June 1996.
Freedom in the World: The Annual Review
of Political Rights and Civil Liberties. Yearly. 1993, 1995.
Human Rights Watch World Report. Yearly.
1994, 1995.
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights.
1992. Kuwait: Building the Rule of Law: Human Rights in Kuwait
After Occupation.
_____. April 1993. Laying the
Foundations: Human Rights in Kuwait: Obstacles and
The Middle East [London]. Monthly.
January 1990 to June 1996.
The Middle East and North Africa 1996.
The Middle East Focus: Canada's Magazine
on the Contemporary Middle East [Downsview, Ont.]. Bi-monthly.
Winter 1990 to Summer 1992.
Middle East International [London].
Fortnightly. January 1990 to July 1996.
Middle East Report [Washington, DC].
Quarterly. January 1991 to present.
Middle East Watch [New York]. September
1991. A Victory Turned Sour: Human Rights in Kuwait Since
News from Middle East Watch [New York].
Monthly. 1990 to present.
On-line search of media sources.