Satu Mare Roma Party including: size, membership requirements, objectives, efforts to open a kindergarten for Roma and response of police (January 2000 - May 2001) [ROM37020.E]

According to the National Office for the Roma, there is a Roma Association, Partida Romilor - Satu Mare, with a contact person named Ignac Horvath (n.d.). This is the only Roma group listed in this organization's database for Satu Mare of "ministries, Romanian and foreign associations, NGOs, roma activists that we are in contact with" (ibid.). According to a July 1999 report from the Hungarian Human Rights Foundation, Ignac Horvath was President of the Satu Mare/Szatmar Roma Party at that time.

No mention of a kindergarten for Roma in Satu Mare could be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate. The Executive Director of the Romani Centre for Social Intervention and Studies (Rromani CRISS) wrote in 31 May 2001 correspondence that he was not aware of a recent attempt to open a kindergarten for Roma children in Satu Mare. However, two projects to set up kindergartens for Roma children received funding from The Partnership Fund for the Roma in Romania, one branch of the European Union's Phare programme (National Office for the Roma 4 July 2001). The locations are in Deva and Caransebe (ibid.).

With regard to requirements for membership in the Roma Party, the Executive Director of Rromani CRISS wrote that he understands that the procedures involve submitting an "adheration request to become a member, ID card, photos, and a membership card will be issued" (ibid.).

For further information on the Roma Party [Partida Romilor] in Satu Mare please consult ROM32478.E of 30 September 1999 and for information on the Roma Party please consult ROM32479.E of 30 September 1999 and ROM32695.E of 16 September 1999.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Hungarian Human Rights Foundation, New York, N.Y. July 1999. "Rumania: Transylvania/Erdély; July 21, 1999." [Accessed 28 May 2001]

National Office for the Roma. n.d. "Information: Contacts Database." [Accessed 30 Aug. 2001]

_____. 4 July 2001. "Press Release: The Partnership Fund - Projects." List attached. [Accessed 30 Aug. 2001]

Romani Centre for Social Intervention and Studies (Rromani CRISS), Bucharest, Romania. 31 May 2001. Correspondence from Executive Director.

Additional Sources Consulted

IRB databases


Unwanted Journey: Why Central European Roma Are Fleeing to the UK. 1999. Mike Young. Refugee Council.

Unsuccessful attempts to contact three non-documentary sources

Internet sites including:

Amnesty International

Balkan Human Rights Web Pages

Civil Society Development Foundation [Fundatia pentru Dezvoltarea Societaii Civile]

DERECHOS Human Rights

European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations

Hokkaido University Slavic Research Centre


Minorities at Risk Project

Minority Rights Group

National Office for the Roma

Open Society Institute

Partners Romania Foundation for Local Development (FPDL)

Patrin Web Journal


World News Connection

Search engines including:
