Dokument #1293130
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
Information on the requested topic is
currently unavailable to the DIRB, however the following
information may be of interest.
Article 2 of the Citizenship Act of the
Republic of Macedonia, available in your Regional Documentation
Centre, states:
A citizen of the Republic of Macedonia may also be a citizen of
another country.
A citizen of the Republic of Macedonia who is also a citizen of
another country shall, in the Republic of Macedonia, be considered
exclusively a citizen of the Republic of Macedonia, unless an
international agreement stipulates otherwise.
Article 7 of the act sets out the
conditions for obtaining citizenship through naturalization*. One
of these conditions is that "he has relinquished his foreign
citizenship or has proof that he will lose it if accepted as a
citizen of the Republic of Macedonia" or that he renounces his
foreign citizenship.
The attached article from the Macedonian
publication Puls may also be of interest.
This response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently
The article heading on the attached translation of article 7 was
omitted in translation. Article 7 follows sub-heading "3. By
available to the DIRB within time constraints. This response is
not, and does not purport to
be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee
status or asylum.
Macedonia. 11 November 1992.
Citizenship Act of the Republic of Macedonia.
Macedonia. 11 November 1992. Citizenship
Act of the Republic of Macedonia.
Puls [Skopje, in Macedonian]. 1 July
1994. Dzvezdan Georgievski. "Implications of Citizenship Law
Examined. (FBIS-EEU-94-149 3 Aug. 1994, pp. 36-38)
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