Dokument #1290992
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
Representatives of the Czech Council for
National Minorities, an advisory body of the Czech government,
indicated in a September 1997 interview that the Council had
prepared a report for the government on the Romani minority in the
Czech Republic (Council for National Minorities 29 Sept. 1997).
According to representatives of the Council's Secretariat, this is
an independent and objective report, which reflects the real
situation of the country's Romani minority and has not been changed
to reflect government policy. The report was presented to the
government in August and September 1997 but was rejected and
returned to the Council for further work on both occasions (ibid.;
ERRC 22 Sept. 1997). The government stated that the report was
rejected because it lacked concrete recommendations and tasks but,
according to critics, it was rejected because it was severely
critical of the government (ERRC 22 Sept. 1997; Balazova 25 Sept.
1997). A reworked version of the report was accepted by the
government on 29 October 1997 (CTK 29 Oct. 1997).
The full text of recommendations made by
the Council for National Minorities' report is included
below1. This unofficial translation of the
recommendations was forwarded to the IRB by the Embassy of the
Czech Republic in Ottawa. The entire text of the report is, as of
18 December 1997, unavailable in English or French, but will be
forwarded to Regional Documentation Centres when it becomes
In a 21 November 1997 statement to the
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
Implementation Meeting on Human Dimension Issues, the European Roma
Right Centre (ERRC), a Budapest-based Roma advocacy group, welcomed
the government's acceptance of the report. Referring directly to
recommendations made in the report for the Ministry of Education,
however, the ERRC expressed concern that the recommendations do not
include budgetary provisions (ibid.). The ERRC also questioned
whether the recommendations would actually be brought into effect
(ibid.). According to the ERRC, "the government rejected [the
report] in September, then suddenly accepted substantially the same
document at the end of October, at the height of fears about
British reimposition of visa requirements. It remains necessary to
monitor closely the situation of Roma in the Czech Republic, to see
the extent to which report recommendations become effective policy
and practice" (ibid.).
unofficial translation
The Government
I.Takes note of the Report on the
situation of the Roma community in the Czech Republic contained in
the presented document;
II. Approves the Statement on the
present situation in the Roma community annexed to the present
III. R e q u e s t s
1. the Minister of Education, Youth and
a)within the primary education system,
to widen the network of preparatory classes for pupil's with
linguistically and socioculturally disadvantaged backgrounds,
b)to ensure an enhanced flow of
information to schools at all levels on the available specialized
literature concerning the issues of multicultural society and
education for tolerance;
c)in authorizing exemptions as regards
the minimum number of pupils per class, to apply the procedures
designed for national minority classes also to classes with
children from Roma families,
d)put at the disposal of the schools the
project "Modification of the education programme for the specific
needs of Roma children" together with a methodical instruction and
to regularly evaluate its implementation,
e)to prepare new material for the tests
used in selecting children for placement in special schools, paying
more regard to the specific dispositionof Roma children in order to
eliminate the hitherto prevailing practice which has led to
excessive numbers of Roma children placed in special schools
without any conclusive evidence as to their intellectual and
learning capacity,
f)to ensure the conditions (including
financial conditions) for the implementation of the experimental
project for step-by-step training of Roma advisors and, after
evaluating the project, to develop a concept for this type of
training together with the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs,
Minister of the Interior, Research Institute of Vocational
Education in Prague and the authority responsible for the
g)in cooperation with the Minister of
Labour and Social Affairs, to determine the qualifications required
for the function of "Roma pedagogical assistant",
h)in the "education" chapter of the
state budget for the year 1998, to ear-mark funds totalling CZK
2,268,000 for the wages of at least 20 Roma pedagogical
i)to ensure the offer of in-service
training on issues related tonational and ethnic minorities within
the system of in-service training of pedagogical workers,
j)to appoint a Ministry coordinator
responsible for national minority education,
k)in cooperation with the
representatives of the Roma community, to ensure that Roma children
with a talent for music, dance or other forms of art are placed in
primary art schools so that such children may have an opportunity
to develop their talent and meet the requirements for admission to
secondary art schools,
deadline: h) - immediately, d),
e), f), g),j) - before 31 December 1997, other items
2. the Minister of Labour and Social
a)to cooperate with the Minister of
Education, Youth and Sports in determining the qualifications
required for the function of "Roma pedagogical assistant",
b)to codify the functions of Roma
assistant and Roma advisor in the catalogue of tasks and catalogue
of professions,
c)to continuously cooperate with the
Minister of Education, Youth and Sports and with the Minister of
the Interior on the project of step-by-step training of Roma
d)to provide long-term funding for the
re-training course run by the Academy of Social Law for the
functions of Roma assistant and Roma advisor according to the
project of the responsible authority,
e)to develop a system of incentives
encouraging employers to employ persons who have problems in
entering the workforce and persons of Roma origin,
f)at the level of District Offices in
the regions with a higher concentration of unemployed persons of
Roma origin, to create conditions for the appointment of persons
belonging to the Roma community to the posts of social assistants
who should assist in solving the relevant problems,
deadline: a), b) e) before 31
December 1997, other items continuously
3. the Minister of the Interior
a)to prepare a methodical instruction
for the state administration authorities within his competence
defining the functions of Roma assistant and Roma advisor,
b)in cooperation with the Minister of
Education, Youth and Sports and with the Minister of Labour and
Social Affairs, to create conditions for the implementation of the
project for step-by-step training of Roma advisors,
c)to create within the District Office
system the posts of Roma assistant and Roma advisor,
d)in evaluating candidates for
employment with the Police of the Czech Republic, to consistently
examine their tendency towards prejudice, namely racial prejudice,
and to reject any candidate with a tendency towards manifestations
of racism,
e)to ensure for Roma candidates maximum
access to study at secondary police schools provided that such
candidates meet the conditions for employment with the Police of
the Czech Republic; to ensure for such candidates a preparatory
course for study at such schools,
f)to monitor civic associations with the
aim to determine whether any of them engages in activities
promoting racial hatred, fascism and national
intolerance and, if any such association
is identified,request it to terminate
the activity and, if the association
continues the activity, to dissolve it,
g) to release from the Comprehensive
programme for cooperation in crime prevention and prevention of
drug abuse at the local level, according to the
current needs, funds for complementary
programmes designed for the Roma community,
deadline: a), c) before 31
December 1997, other items continuously
4. the Minister of Culture
a)within the framework of the Ministry's
grant-making policy in respect of civic associations of persons
belonging to national minorities, to continuously pay due regard to
the specific needs of Roma activities in the area of education,
culture and cultural education, of periodicals and non-periodical
publications, of receiving and disseminating information in the
public media,
b)to ensure the cooperation of experts
in developing the Museum of Roma Culture in Brno and, insofar as
the budget permits, to participate in the funding of its work,
c)to earmark in the chapter of the
Ministry of Culture contained in the draft state budget for the
year 1999 funds totalling CZK 15,000,000 for the second stage of
reconstruction of the building intended to house the Museum of Roma
Culture in Brno,
deadline: b) before 31 December
1997, other items continuously
5. the Minister of Industry and
a)in cooperation with the Czech Trade
Inspection, to consistently enforce Law No. 634/1992 Coll. on
consumer protection, as amended, namely Section 6, using the
possibility to impose fines on any entrepreneur who refuses to
serve citizens only because they belong to the Roma minority,
b)to widen the support for projects
designed to encourage employment of persons who have problems
entering the workforce within the framework of the Support for
Small and Medium-Sized Firms, which has up to now been limited to
the SPECIAL complementary programme,
deadline: continuously
6. the Deputy Prime Ministers and
Ministers of Agriculture and of the Environment, in cooperation
with the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs and with the
representatives of Roma organizations, to seek opportunities for
the participation of firms employing Roma citizens in procurement
within the competencies of their respective ministries (e.g.
contracts for maintenance of watercourses within the responsibility
of the State Melioration Administration and Forests of the Czech
deadline: continuously
7. the Minister of Defence
a)to prepare an analysis of the basic
military service of persons belonging to the Roma community with
regard to their attitude to the service, with regard to mutual
relations with persons belonging to the majority population and
with regard to their possible functions in the service of the Army
of the Czech Republic,
b)during the basic military service, to
promote the acquisition/improvement of professional qualifications
by persons belonging to the Roma community,
deadline: a) before 31 December
1997, b) continuously
8. the Minister of Justice to monitor
the development of crime with racial context and keep the
Government regularly informed about the development of such
deadline: continuously
9. the Minister for Regional
a)to analyze the experience gained to
date with various types of housing for the Roma community with
respect to the suitability of such housing for the life of Roma
citizens, their awareness of belonging to the environment and the
subsequent care for the environment; to evaluate this experience
from the social, technical and financial viewpoints with regard to
the disposition and needs of the Roma community and submit the
evaluation to the Interministerial Commission for the Affairs of
Roma Community,
b)to support housing development
projects; local Roma organizations and firms should participate in
the implementation of the projects and in decisions on the
allocation of new apartments,
c)to prepare a methodical instruction on
area planning at the municipal level with due regard to the social
and cultural conditions of local population,
deadline: a), c) before 31
December 1997, b) continuously
10. the Minister of Health to chart the
need of the Roma population in the Czech Republic for any specific
health care and to propose organizational and preventive
deadline: 30 June 1998
11. the Minister without Portfolio
a)to monitor the fulfilment of the tasks
set forth in the present Resolution and to direct the work of the
Interministerial Commission for the Affairs of Roma Community
b) to report to the Government on the
fulfilment of the tasks set forth in the present Resolution,
deadline: a) continuously, b)
before 30 June 1998,
12.the Heads of District Offices
a) in solving the current problems of
the Roma community at the local level, to negotiate with the
representatives of Roma activities and to jointly seek
b) to create conditions ensuring that
the temporary attachments of persons participating in the programme
for step-by-step training of Roma advisors to the relevant state
administration authorities begin in December 1997,
c)to establish, within their respective
competencies, the posts of Roma advisors,
d)to analyze the situation of children
and minors in alternative family care (children's homes, children's
diagnostic institutes, children's educational institutions,
infants' homes) with respect to the legality of their stay in the
territory of the Czech Republic and to make sure that the persons
leaving such institutions are furnished with a proper certificate
of citizenship or permanent residence in the territory of the Czech
e)the Head of the District Office in
Pisek, to request the Municipal Office at Lety to declare the
cemetery of the former Gypsy concentration camp and the memorial at
Lety (Pisek district) a revered ground by a decree issued in
line with the authority under Section
14, paragraph I (i) of Law No. 410/1992 Coll. on
deadline: a), e) immediately,
other items before 31 December 1997;
IV. Recommends the Mayor of the capital
city of Prague and the Mayors of Brno, Ostrava and Plzen to create,
within their respective competencies, the conditions ensuring that
the temporary attachments of persons participating in the programme
for step-by-step training of Roma advisors to the relevant state
administration authorities begin in December 1997 and to create the
post of Roma advisor.
To be carried out by:
Ministers of Education, Youth and
Labour and Social Affairs, the Interior,
Industry and Trade, Defence, for
Regional Development, Health,
Minister without Portfolio,
Minister of Justice,
Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers
of Agriculture and the Environment
Heads of District Offices and
Mayors of Brno, Ostrava, Plzen,
Mayor of the capital city of Prague
Government statement on the present situation in the Roma community
1. The Government declares that it is
alarmed at the departure of some of our fellow citizens and their
requests for political asylum abroad and is firmly resolved to
address the causes leading to this.
2. The Government views the Roma
community as a natural component of our society, it recognizes and
fully respects Roma culture and its contribution to the whole
3. The Government will do everything in
its power to ensure that nobody in our country has any fear for the
reason of belonging to any minority community. The economic reasons
are solvable in the home country and do not justify requests for
political asylum.
4. The Government calls upon the Romas
and influential representatives of Roma organizations table 7 1 9
- not to leave;
- to enter into a constructive
cooperation with the Government;
- to promptly nominate their
representatives for the Interministerial Commission
- for the Affairs of Roma Community;
- to participate in the enforcement of
the existing Government measures and of the
- measures which the Government has
approved today and which concern most
- members of the Government and all
Heads of District Offices;
5. The Government at the same time calls
upon all citizens of the Czech Republic to work as much as possible
for improving the feeling of our Roma fellow citizens and thus help
free the country from the feeling of mutual mistrust, underrating,
accusations or discrimination on racial grounds.
6. The Government requests its
individual members
- to begin a speedy implementation of
the measures adopted today;
- in the coming days, to open
negotiations with Roma organizations so that such negotiations may
be held successively at all individual relevant ministries and to
examine the existing unfavourable situation "on the ground".
7. The Government is aware that this is
a problem for many decades or even centuries and therefore it also
knows that the problem cannot be solved overnight. It believes that
the measures adopted today will accelerate the necessary positive
Vaclav Klaus
29 October 1997
Prime Minister
Vaclav Klaus p.m.
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is
not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any
particular claim to refugee status or asylum.
Balazova, Jarmila, Prague. 25 September
1997. Interview.
CTK News Agency. 29 October 1997.
CTK News Summary: Government Approves Romany Report.
[Accessed 30 Oct. 1997]
European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC). 21
November 1997. "Roma and Sinti: Statement of the European Roam
Rights Centre OSCE Implementation Meeting on Human Dimension
Issues." This statement was sent to the Research Directorate in
electronic format by the Prague-based ERRC researcher.
_____. 22 September 1997. Interview with
Prague-based researcher.
Council for National Minorities. 29
September 1997. Interview with representatives of the Council's
Government of the Czech Republic. 29
October 1997. Resolution of the Government of the Czech
Republic of 29 October 1997 No. 686 on the Report on the Situation
of the Roma Community in the Czech Republic and on the Present
Situation in the Roma Community. This unofficial translation
of the resolution was sent to the IRB by the Embassy of the Czech
Republic in Ottawa.