Information respecting the Yekîtî Party. [IRQ6196]

No information could be found regarding the Yekiti Party in Iraq among the sources currently available to the IRBDC. However, one source defines "Yekîtî" as meaning "union" and there is a Kurdish Party from Iraq named "Kurdistan Patriotic Union" (U.P.K., see the photocopy of Christiane More, 1988, pp. 121-129) which has a youth marxist-leninist organization called "Komala" (Christiane More, 1988:199). As More points out, "Le Komala, organisation clandestine de jeunes marxistes-léninistes fut constitué le 10 juin 1970, en opposition au P.D.K.-Irak et en-dehors du Parti Communiste Irakien, Section du Kurdistan" (Christiane More, 1988:121).

"Yekîtî" is the name of a newspaper published in Europe and produced by the "Kurdistan Communist Party" from Turkey. According to Christiane More, "L'organe du Parti Communiste du Kurdistan, Yekîtî (Union), est publié en Europe" (1988:199).

The word "Yekîtî" is also found in the name of a federated association based in Sweden composed of Kurds from Turkey and named "Yekîtî Komala Karkerên Kurdistan" (Christiane More, 1988: 237).

Attached photocopies of Christiane More's book Les Kurdes Aujourd'hui, and of the Minority Rights Group Report number 23, 1989, pp. 18-25.

More, Christiane, Les Kurdes Aujourd'hui: Mouvement National et Partis Politiques, L'Harmattan ed., Paris, 1988.