Dokument #1273160
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
No information on a three-day student riot near the University of Mandalay in February 2002 could be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.
However, the Democratic Voice of Burma reported that three separate "brawls" between students of the Institute of Economics and the Culture University in Ywarthargyi took place on 14 February 2002 (22 Feb. 2002). "[F]our military trucks from the War Office in Rangoon arrived at the scene after midnight and raided the campuses of the two universities," according to eyewitness accounts (DVB 22 Feb. 2002).
In a separate incident, the Democratic Voice of Burma reported that an altercation occurred between a group of students and traffic police near the University of Mandalay in March 2002 (19 Mar. 2002). The situation reportedly began when a student was stopped for not wearing a helmet on his motorcycle (DVB 19 Mar. 2002). It is not known how many people were injured or arrested in the dispute (ibid.).
This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.
Democratic Voice of Burma [Oslo, in
Burmese]. 19 March 2002. "Students Smash Traffic Lights in
Mandalay, Police Called In."
[Accessed 23 June 2003]
_____. 20 February 2002. "Burma: Junta
Temporarily Closes Two Universities Following Gang Brawls." (Global
News Wire - Asia Africa Intelligence Wire 22 Feb. 2002/NEXIS)
Additional Sources Consulted
IRB Databases
Internet sites, including:
Amnesty International
Asian Human Rights Commission
BBC News
The Burma Project (News Archives)
Country Reports 2002
Democratic Voice of Burma
Human Rights Watch
Online Burma Library
World News Connection
Search Engine:
Information on a three-day student riot near the University of Mandalay in February 2002 [BUR41681.E] (Anfragebeantwortung, Französisch)