Information on the human rights, non-political organization "Concerned Professionals," on the status of the organization and on the treatment of its members by the authorities [NGA23186.E]

Limited information could be found on this organization among the sources consulted by the DIRB.

The Committee for the Defence of Human Rights described the organization as a "pro-democracy body" in its 1994 report (31 Mar. 1995, 19). This source also reported that Lagos State police prevented a national conference of the organization from taking place in July 1994 (ibid.). The police disruption of the conference was corroborated by the Constitutional Rights Project in its 1994 annual report (Jan. 1995, 24).

In September 1995 Inter Press Service reported that human rights groups have used advertisements in Nigerian newspapers to publicize their views, including "concerned professionals" (28 Sept. 1995).

For additional information, please consult the attachments.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Committee for the Defence of Human Rights (CDHR). 31 March 1995. Human Rights Situation in Nigeria: 1994 Annual Report. Lagos: CDHR.

Constitutional Rights Journal. January 1995. Vol. 5, No. 13. "Annual Report On Human Rights In Nigeria: 1994." Lagos: Constitutional Rights Project.

Inter Press Service (IPS). 28 September 1995. Wilfred Martins. "Nigeria-Politics: The Emperor's Slow Striptease." (NEXIS)


Committee for the Defence of Human Rights (CDHR). 31 March 1995. Human Rights Situation in Nigeria: 1994 Annual Report. Lagos: CDHR, p. 10.

Constitutional Rights Journal. January 1995. Vol. 5, No. 13. "Annual Report On Human Rights In Nigeria: 1994." Lagos: Constitutional Rights Project, p. 24.

Inter Press Service (IPS). 28 September 1995. Wilfred Martins. "Nigeria-Politics: The Emperor's Slow Striptease." (NEXIS)

Additional Sources Consulted

Africa Confidential. 1995-1996.

Africa Research Bulletin. 1995-1996.

Amnesty International Report 1994. 1996.

Country Reports for 1995. 1996.

DIRB Nigeria Amnesty International Country File. 1995-1996.

DIRB Nigeria Country File. 1995-1996.

Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) daily reports. 1995-1996.

Human Rights Watch World Report 1996.

Oral sources.